Asiri Rathnayake wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Peter Lees <> wrote:
>> hi folks
>> i am having lots of trouble importing documents with graphics in them.
>> even a doc with 1 or 2 small graphics is running past the timeout period
>>  (even though i've set timeout to 300,000 msec - 5min).
>> system is:
>> - xwiki 2.0.3 standalone
>> - openoffice 3.1
>> - centos 5.4 linux on vmware
>> - java heap set to 300MB (JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx300m)
>> is this a known problem and/or can anyone suggest a fix?
>> is office importer even supposed to be able to handle graphics?
> Yup, office importer can handle graphics without issues. I think this has
> something to do with your particular operating environment, is this a
> desktop system or a server? I suspect this is something with your X server
> configuration but I'm not sure. I will check 2.0.3 myself to see if there
> have been a regression.

thanks for the response

the xwiki is running on linux (centos 5.4) which is running in a VM
guest with VMware server running on windows xp.

i'm accessing the xwiki via a web browser on the windows system

the linux system is at runlevel 3 - multiuser server, no gui login.
Xwindows, etc, is installed however.

the instance is running internally

any thoughts on what can be done would be appreciated.



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