On 07/24/2018 11:42 PM, RizThon via USRP-users wrote:

    I have used the b2x0 radios for some applications myself, we have
    had no luck sampling much higher than 30MS/s. I think real-world
    USB3 speeds max out around 100MB/s.


Thanks Will, that matches my experience. At 28MS/s it tells me I need to stream at 112MB/s.

    You cannot stream faster than about 30Msps from the B210 when in
    dual-channel mode.  This is a limitation of the data bus
    architecture on  the AD9371 chip, and not strictly a limitation of
    the B2xx FPGA.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. On the B210, I'm in *single channel*, RX only, and I start having overruns at 28MS/s.
You can try using the "num_recv_frames" option in the device argument--I'd suggest trying 128 and 256.

I'll also note that, near as I can tell, LimeSDR drivers dont' reliably report overruns, so you may be getting them without knowing about it.

I was just giving my experience with a Lime where I can stream in dual channel, RX only, at 56MS/s. In that case though the Lime sends its data back as SC12, meaning it can pack a bit more samples.

    FYI, we fixed a couple of sc12/8 related issues on our latest master
    branch. As Marcus says, if you're doing dual channel on the B210, you
    can only go to 30.72 Msps though.

Should I play with the OTW format? Does the B210 handle SC12 (https://files.ettus.com/manual/structuhd_1_1stream__args__t.html mentions/Only some devices/for SC12).

I tried rx_samples_to_file.exe from http://files.ettus.com/binaries/uhd/latest_release/Windows7/uhd_3.12.0.0-release_Win32_VS2014.exe . If I choose SC8, then I can stream faster. It seems I can go up to 49MS/s without error, over 20 seconds.

At 50MS/s and up I get an error
rx_samples_to_file.exe --null --time 20 --freq 2450e6 --gain 50 --spb 10000 --rate 50e6 --wirefmt sc8
[ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive packet handler caught a value exception.
ValueError: bad vrt header or packet fragment
Error: Receiver error: ERROR_CODE_BAD_PACKET

I modified the code to allow --wirefmt sc12, I also get an error, even at 28MS/s
[ERROR] [STREAMER] The receive packet handler caught a value exception.
ValueError: bad vrt header or packet fragment
but again I'm not sure if the B210 handles that format .

UHD 3.13 is just out, so I tried http://files.ettus.com/binaries/uhd/uhd_003.013.000.000-release/Windows-7-x86_64/uhd_3.13.0.0-release_Win32_VS2014.exe . I now get 2850 overruns at 28MS/s in SC16, while I'd get up to 5 with the previous version. In SC8 I can go up to 40MS/s only, instead of 49. With the x64 version I get similar results. So for now I reverted back to 3.12.

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