I already tried smaller values, but not small enough. It seems the highest
I can go is num_recv_frames=44. Anything higher gives me errors.

At 40MS/s, without that parameter, I get 160 to 180 overflows over 20
seconds, while with  num_recv_frames=44 I only get 20 to 30.

This actually allows me to stream at 55MS/s in *sc8* for 20s without any
overflow! With sc16 though, I don't seem much difference and still get more
than 5000 overflows.

Is it possible to use sc12 with the B2x0? The ADC having a 12 bits
resolution, we wouldn't lose any data.

Concerning num_recv_frames, is this a problem with the Windows USB driver,
meaning I wouldn't get better results on another Windows computer? I tried
other drivers, using Zadig. Only the "WinUSB" driver works, but it doesn't
work better than the original Ettus driver.

Do you advise people to use Linux rather than Windows for USB performance
reasons? Should using 256 or 128 fix my streaming problems?


On Thu, Jul 26, 2018 at 2:00 AM Marcus D. Leech <mle...@ripnet.com> wrote:

> On 07/25/2018 01:08 PM, RizThon wrote:
> Use a 5-6V supply capable of 2 or 3 amps.
>> Thanks, it's actually working fine, the led properly turned green after
> the firmware and gateware were uploaded.
> Trying  .\benchmark_rate.exe --rx_rate 40e6 I get
> Benchmark rate summary:
>   Num received samples:     201778444
>   Num dropped samples:      2800
>   Num overruns detected:    2800
>   Num transmitted samples:  0
>   Num sequence errors (Tx): 0
>   Num sequence errors (Rx): 0
>   Num underruns detected:   0
>   Num late commands:        0
>   Num timeouts (Tx):        0
>   Num timeouts (Rx):        0
> It seems I still can't stream faster than around 28MS/s. I still get
> similar results with .\rx_samples_to_file.exe (using --null to not store
> to file).
> Should I try to run some tests from
> http://files.ettus.com/manual/page_rdtesting.html ?
> Concerning the error "[ERROR] [USB]
> libusb_session_impl::libusb_event_handler_task: LIBUSB_ERROR_CODE -1" that
> I get when specifying num_recv_frames, what could I do? Should I try a
> different driver? Has anyone already experienced that error?
> Thanks.
> Try with a smaller number?    The Windows LIBUSB behaves differently than
> the Linux version.  On Linux, I can usually ask for 256 without
>   any issue.  Try 64.
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