So now we have four possibles: extending ptrace, a new ptrace-replacement syscall, a systemtap-based thing, and, now, ntrace. Things are diverging rather than converging.

A couple of comments concerning the /proc entry fd method utracer uses and than some people have expressed a preference for: The first is that it's clumsy. When the utracer module loads, it creates a /proc pseudo-directory /proc/utrace and then a pseudo-file /proc/utrace/control. When an app wants access to utracer services it opens that control file and ioctl()s [1] a "register" request to it. This causes the module to create another pseudo-directory /proc/utrace/<app-pid> and two new pseudo-files /proc/utrace/<app-pid>/cmd and /proc/utrace/<app-pid>/resp. The app then has to open those two pseudo files, using asprintf() or some such to build the file name strings. This strikes me as a ridiculous amount of arm-waving. Further, /proc entries are meant to be publicly accessible ways of accessing kernel data and, to a lesser extent (possibly even including zero--I can't think of an example at the moment), services. utracer violates this implicit paradigm. The utracer entries under /proc/utrace are intended to be exclusively a means of communication between the registering app and the module--I even set the permissions to make sure of that--and might even violate the data vs. services thing.

Further, using /proc entries requires that the module keep appropriate structs for each of those entries and to close the entries and clean up the structs when the requesting app de-registers. All cool except when the requesting app either crashes or the app writer just exits without bothering to de-register first--you can build up a lot of dead structs that way. utracer solves this problem by utrace-attaching an engine to every registering app just to get notification of it's unexpected demise and then run around cleaning up after it.

All of the foregoing is by way of saying that the /proc entry fd method, even though it looks fairly cool, has it's problems and is fairly inefficient--not even including the unknown (to me, at least) inefficiencies of overhead in the read()/write()/ioctl() mechanism.

This isn't to say, however, that the fd (hence select()/poll()/whatever) approach can't be made to work. I haven't even done five minutes of research on it, but it seems possible to me that a ptrace() extension request could be something like fd = ptrace(UTRACE_GET_FD, ...) (or equivalent new utrace syscall request) which returns an fd suitable for use by poll() and select(), and possibly readable, writable, and ioctl-able as well, without having an actual underlying pseudo-file and the attendant overhead and problems described above.

[1] Most control operations in utracer are based on ioctl() rather than read() and write(). utracer supports a fair number of requests for information [2] but read() has no way of specifying which information the app is after and write() has no way of retrieving the information. ioctl() is open-ended in that regard and can specify in arbitrary detail not only what information the app wants but provide a pointer to a place to store complex results as well. The down side is that while simple mechanisms are documented by which to register read() and write() methods I couldn't find any documented mechanism by which to register an ioctl() method. I found a way that works: There's a struct associated with top level /proc entries that contains a pointer to another struct that contains a pointer, invariably null so far as I can tell, to an ioctl method. In other than top-level /proc entries, the pointer to the secondary struct is null so I make a copy of the top level struct, stuff in a pointer to my own ioctl() method, then point the original subordinate struct at the modified copy. This is so appallingly clumsy that either I'm very badly missing something or no one has ever needed to ioctl() to a /proc entry before and the mechanism to do so hasn't been developed. The scary part of my hack, of course, is that you never know when someone's going to change something and break it.

[2] Information like, e.g. a task's mapped memory regions. This is available just by reading the right pseudo-file in /proc/<pid>, but when an app reads that file, the kernel waves its arms a while extracting data from the relevant struct mm_struct and struct vm_area_struct, formatting it into ascii strings, and sending it to the requesting app. The app then has to wave /its/ arms for a while parsing the ascii strings to get back exactly the same information the kernel had in the first place. This rather badly offends my engineer's sense of efficiency, so utracer provides a means of accessing such information directly, in binary, in a struct the app doesn't have to parse. [3]

[3] Yes, I know [2] was a subordinate footnote to [1] and considered Bad Form by some. But Gibbon did it, though occasionally if his principal footnote was in Latin, it's subordinate footnote would be in Greek. This scales poorly, limiting the depth of subordinate footnotes to the number of available obscure languages. Accordingly, I'm refraining from doing that. (And, as well, I've no desire to learn Aramaic.)

Roland McGrath wrote:
I have numerous more specific thoughts about interface features.  Some
time back, I almost got started towards my preferred directions in the
"ntrace" tree, but not quite.  I think I have a good sense of all the
"moving parts" going into the interface/fancy-debugger-module picture.
In the next day or two, I'll start a new thread here about each facet of
the problem as I see it and what I've had in mind; for lack of a better
name, under the heading "ntrace".


Chris Moller

 I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but
 I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
     -- Robert McCloskey

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