I think you are so right. Since I have had my medical problems I really don't 
feel like doing any tying or even posting cause I have nothing to say. Maybe I 
should push myself a bit.
I have a rod to get finished for a list member that was ordered almost a year 
ago. I just can't find the energy to work in it. It is just about finished but 
I just can't seem to get to it.When I get one of these spells, I am not good to 
do anything for several weeks. I had one a few weeks ago.

Just like your WRD's, It would only take me a few minuets to get them tied but 
I just keep forgetting about it. When I get them sent to you, I will trade you 
for a popper.

From: Rodger Oleson <>
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2011 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [VFB] VFB "The Phoenix Rises"

Maybe that's what's happening to the list....aging taking a toll.  Seems I've 
gotten so much gimpier that I haven't even had my kayak out this year.  Made a 
couple of fly fishing trips,but just fished off the dock and caught a few 
sunnies and crappie on the smallish side.  I haven't had to replenish my supply 
of flies because I haven't lost any.  I still tie for a few swaps and when I 
want to try something I've seen or heard about, but that doesn't keep me from 
opening my mail and quickly going to the VFB incoming box.
So are we all getting to old to participate?  Hate to think so
      because my doc told me the other day "you're still a young
      man".(Silly doc!!)  Not that I ever feel veryfrisky for sure, but it's 
sad that I have so little input for the list.  I certainly do enjoy having the 
VFB list to look forward to every day.  Like Joyce, I'm ready to offer up a 
prayer for those who mention problems or friends with difficulties.
I know very few folks on here but feel like I've made some great
      acquaintances who would be close friends if we had the opportunity
      to meet.
Hope we can keep the list active for many more years.
I'm not the great "experimenter" that DonO is, but I've been
      enjoying cutting out foam popper bodies and shaping them with my
      homemade dremel lathe set up.  Not gonna go into full-fledged
      commercial production or anything like that.  I can make popper
      bodies in several sizes though if anyone is interested.  If I have
      the foam flip flops of the color you want I can send you a few to 
examine/try out.  I can make 1/8",5/32"3/16",7/32"1/4",5/16",3/8" & 1/2" 
diameter bodies that are a bit smaller when turned down and will be about the 
length of the thickness of a flip-flop.  I have glued some together and made 
longer bodies, but haven't finished any flip-flop flies lately.  This summer 
weather has me doing very little other than thinking about doing "stuff".  

Rodger Ole Oleson

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