Speaking as someone who has in the past, put my foot in my mouth and 
sounded like an ass.....I undertand all to well, the passions of 
being human.  This list can and probably always will spark strong 
debate, but I agree that mudslinging is just stupid...(even though I 
have slung some myself)  But I do think it's OK to call someone out, 
I see nothing wrong in that, we have to hold ourselves accoutable, 
(well, I guess we don't but I think we should).  It's a fine line 
though between being nasty and just trying to hold someone 
accoutable.  I have failed at it more than I have succeeded and that 
is why I decieded to keep my mouth shut and try to become the person 
I want to be....

But none of us are perfect and we never will be, doesn't mean we 
should stop trying though...I don't subscribe to the emails, I just 
occasionly come over and visit to see if there is anything 
interesting and more often than not there is.  I have the choice on 
weather or not to read the nastiness and participate, I no longer do 
both...Like Bekah said, I don't want to end up wrinkly....(not that 
train hasn't already left the station)...


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "missbhavens1969" 
> Little bekahvoice piping in to add her two-cents. I only ever really
> post here in moments such as these. 
> These "interesting" discussions (I use annoying airquotes because 
> all of them actually ARE interesting...not to me, anyway)that 
> into defensive weirdness and name-calling and mudslinging and
> text-just-sometimes-doesn't-work-misunderstandings and personal
> bitchsessions do not bother me. They aren't as entertaining to me as
> they used to be because I'm trying SO incredibly hard to decrease 
> snark in my life (my own snark that is. I'm trying to get more 
> as I age so I don't end up crabby and bitter and more wrinkly).
> However, these out-of-control threads serve to remind me that 
> on this list is human. Human beings saddled with all the faults and
> foibles that go with not being a chimp. Go to the zoo and check it
> out. Chimps fling poo. Humans vent on internet message boards.
> That's why you'll never see (hear/read) me saying "take it offlist" 
> "go blog it" or "this has nothing to do with videoblogging". Sure, 
> has something to do with videoblogging. Not the way *I* videoblog,
> because in this case I couldn't give a shit about getting 250K 
> fast. If I did, I'd have gone topless long ago. But it matters to 
> videobloggers whose motives differ from mine. Doesn't make my
> motivations any purer or better or more sincere. It just is.  The 
> that the 250KMahalo thread turned into something wholly else only 
> one thing to me: people care about videoblogging (or their Video
> Product) so much that they are willing to make total asses of
> themselves in front of a great deal of people. They are willing to
> jump clear over the generally accepted social fences that hem them 
> and go. To. Town.
> To this I say "go for it, kids!". Human beings, remember? That's 
> we do. We get mad and defensive. Then we take it to the keyboard.
> That being said, let's revisit my prior point about motivations and
> all that. I'm not in this because I want to make a career out of 
it. I
> could mudsling and name-call 'till I'm blue and I'd have literally
> nothing to lose. Someone on this thread mentioned that all this
> silliness was sort of neat and New Media Cool: you won't see Rupert
> Murdoch having open discussions like this in a public forum (or
> non-forum, in our case). Well guess what? That's because it's wildly
> fucking unprofessional! See, I get to swear like that because I have
> nothing to lose! I'm NOT a professional! Get it?
> If y'all want to be the kings of New Media (or even the jesters) and
> usher in a New Age y'all should reflect a little on your behaviour. 
> mean, is this really how people want to conduct themselves at the 
> of The Big Paradigm Shift? Jesus, I hope not.
> Transparency is nice, and all, but there's something to be said for
> rising above it all and being coolly courteous. 
> Don't fling poo like chimps. 
> Or do (do that doo-doo that you do so well). Create a spectacle. 
> scandal. It's your name on the line, not mine. Knock yourself out.
> Bekah
> --
> http://www.missbhavens.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Rupert Howe" <rupert@> wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, Jay, discussions are one thing, but I'm bored of watching
> > interesting discussions turn into personal slanging matches.
> > 
> > It poisons threads and kills discussion.
> > 
> > I know some of us seem to like it, and some of us just can't stop
> > watching.  There's a familiar discussion on Twitter - people 
> > themselves why they still subscribe to this list - "it's like a 
> > wreck".  That saddens me.
> > 
> > We all get heated about issues - fine - but if people have got
> > something negative to say about another person, about their
> > motivations or anything that's likely to lead to a personal 
> > match, perhaps they could show us the courtesy of having their 
> > and frank discussion on a blog and linking to it here.  
> > 
> > Maybe that will make this list more 'boring' - but personally, I'm
> > much more bored of watching people going to the toilet on each 
> > when I want to talk about videoblogging.
> > 
> > Yours rather po-facedly,
> > 
> > Rupert
> > http://twittervlog.tv/
> > http://feeds.feedburner.com/twittervlog/
> >

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