This kind of a list invites that kind of behavior.

You should see the discdog lists on Yahoo. They're brutal!

It's the main reason that I created It's a real community  
and we don't have any of this crap.

The thing is that these distribution lists, pretending to be groups,  
are flashes in the pan - there's no permanence. So I can write  
something nasty and it's gone - poof - it's the definition of FLash  
in the pan.

On a discussion forum that doesn't happen. Things are permanent. It's  
up there forever.

The other reason that these lists are problematic, is that they are a  
pushed message - most of us get these in our inboxes and that means  
that we must address them. Forums are a pulled message, which means  
that we actively go in search of the information - we select it.

I think that push v pull is just as important in defining the  
dialogue on these lists as the lack of permanence.

I would really like to see this list be ported to a discussion forum,  
myself. There are some nice programs that allow for pulling posts  
from Yahoo lists and indexing them into a forum.

I think that would be awesome!

I started to do it with the discdog lists, but there's some powerful  
personalities in charge of them, and I did not want to let them set  
their sights on me for 'taking' their stuff, so it never went  
anywhere. We had a team of 5 cover 2000 posts each in about 1 week.  
All was ready to go, but I balked because I didn't want to make any  

We could do something like this here, for sure, and I'd be happy to  
be a part of that.


Ron Watson

On Nov 13, 2007, at 1:42 PM, Rupert Howe wrote:

> Yeah, Jay, discussions are one thing, but I'm bored of watching
> interesting discussions turn into personal slanging matches.
> It poisons threads and kills discussion.
> I know some of us seem to like it, and some of us just can't stop
> watching. There's a familiar discussion on Twitter - people asking
> themselves why they still subscribe to this list - "it's like a car
> wreck". That saddens me.
> We all get heated about issues - fine - but if people have got
> something negative to say about another person, about their
> motivations or anything that's likely to lead to a personal slanging
> match, perhaps they could show us the courtesy of having their open
> and frank discussion on a blog and linking to it here.
> Maybe that will make this list more 'boring' - but personally, I'm
> much more bored of watching people going to the toilet on each other
> when I want to talk about videoblogging.
> Yours rather po-facedly,
> Rupert

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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