I am confused.  i think we both agree that transparency is necessary.

On Feb 16, 2008 12:38 PM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Of course if something isn't actually unlimited it has to be mentioned
>  > somewhere. No one would argue that the contrary is acceptable. I do
>  > find it surprising that you would call bandwidth limits irresponsible
>  > though.
>  Patrick, you are always interested in facts...which is great.
>  I feel you're now tending towards the passionate.
>  Please go back and read my last email.
>  Its disrespectful for the broadband companies to tell its customers
>  that its unlimited and then its not.
>  Its respectable to actually have transparent limits so customers can
>  make a choice.
>  > I'd say the 5% using 50% and expecting to get away with it forever is
>  > irresponsible. Even disrespectful. If you wouldn't do it to a Mom &
>  > Pop business, why would you do it to a large corporation?
>  absolutely incorrect.
>  you do not blame the customer. what bad business practices.
>  if you say "all you can eat"....then its all you can eat.
>  don't get all moral on us now.
>  If an "all you can eat" buffet has problems with people eating too
>  much...then they should advertise "all you can eat for one hour".
>  Patrick, why is this so confusing?
>  Broadband companies have consistently oversold their capacity.
>  "hey we got everything you want. dont go to our competitors. we let
>  you have as much as you want!"
>  Now they've shown their network vunerabilities.
>  One solution is to blame the customers who are just using what was sold to
> them.
>  Another solution is to lay down clear and reasonable limitations that
>  is transparent (not hidden behind an asterisk in small writing).
>  If the limit of 100GB of bandwidth a month, then say so.
>  Im sure most customers will be fine.
>  And this then allows other companies a reason to offer more to be
> competitive.
>  Jay
>  --
>  http://jaydedman.com
>  917 371 6790
>  Professional: http://ryanishungry.com
>  Personal: http://momentshowing.net
>  Photos: http://flickr.com/photos/jaydedman/
>  Twitter: http://twitter.com/jaydedman
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