Bill McCarthy wrote:
>> One simple method is to add the following line to src/feature.h
>> #define FEAT_FLOAT
> Thanks John, I was hoping that I didn't need to modify source 
> code to accomplish it.  Isn't there a way to add something to 
> the make line?

On a newish Linux system with all defaults (I had not edited feature.h),
just running 'make' built me vim with +float. That's because make ran
auto/configure, which created auto/config.h, which contained '#define
HAVE_POW 1', and that caused feature.h to #define FEAT_FLOAT.

The HAVE_POW means that auto/configure decided my system had the pow()
function (power, as in x to power y).

So, I guess something went wrong on your system...

I think the correct way to pass the requested feature without editing
feature.h is:


That ends up adding -DFEAT_FLOAT to every gcc compile command, which defines
FEAT_FLOAT, which should end up giving you +float.

However, you would need the correct 'make clean' first (I think).

It would be nice to see some straight forward docs, or at least a parsable


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