On Thu 10-Apr-08 6:48am -0600, John Beckett wrote:

> I think the correct way to pass the requested feature without editing
> feature.h is:
> That ends up adding -DFEAT_FLOAT to every gcc compile command, which defines
> FEAT_FLOAT, which should end up giving you +float.

Thanks John but that didn't work here - i.e. it didn't add a
-DFEAT_FLOAT to each gcc line..

What did work is replacing, in my make command, the

That caused
 to be added to each gcc line..

 Thanks to you and François for getting me going under
 Windows XP!

 Bram, this is a great feature - of course now we'll want
 standard  fp library functions and raising to a power
 (without the pow() function) :-)

Best regards,

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