On Aug 23, 6:20 pm, Charles Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'll update the link to your patch (when I get a chance -- I'm still
> updating vim on this machine+o/s).  I hope you don't consider my plugin
> a competitor, I thought of it as more of a step towards your patch (whet
> folks' appetites, as it were) -- and maybe even as justification for
> your patch given enough interest.  Anyway, that's why I included the
> link to your patch.
> Regards, and thanks for the patch!

Just want to say, I love the plugin and installed it immediately. I'll
admit that I only use it occasionally, but I do use it. Most of my use
is for jumping several lines up/down with j or k, though I may
eventually find other uses for it. I have kind of trained myself to
use other methods for lack of a quick and easy way to see relative
line numbers without disrupting my "flow" by manually counting or
doing arithmetic on the absolute numbers.

Just a couple of gripes:

1. The default italic text for the signs causes the number to lean
outside of the signs column in Windows gvim. I have needed to override
your colors to remove the italics.
2. There isn't a good way that I can find to detect that the numbers
are being displayed. I would like to have the relative numbers replace
the absolute line numbers from :set nu when it is active, which I
could do myself if there were a reliable way to detect whether this
plugin is active.

I have not tried the patch, because it is too much trouble for me to
compile my own Vim on Windows. Yes, I'm on vim-dev, but a lot of
vimscript stuff and discussion of features/bugs happens that does not
require me to compile my own Vim or try out 3rd-party patches.

All this being said, I would certainly _prefer_ if this feature were a
built-in option rather than a vimscript plugin. It would be faster (I
have some speed issues when using it on large files with as many lines
as possible showing on my rotated monitor), it would allow you to
easily detect whether it was active (with &relnu or something), and I
wouldn't need to bother checking yet another thing for updates on a
regular basis. So, keep the patch around and keep it updated, in the
hopes that someday, somehow, it gets integrated into the main line.
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