sc, 23.08.2008:
> > In view of that, I wonder if the enthusiastic users of this plugin have ever
> > tested my patch, which is a lot more usable at this time.
> a lot more useable than what?

than the plugin

> you are asking me to patch no
> fewer than 22 modules:
> [...]
> rebuild and re-install the app, as opposed to installing a
> plugin that's been vimballed?

Well, you are on the vim developers list. I don't force you to do it, but I
think if you like the feature, you should probably try it once for comparison
with the plugin.

> so, no, i haven't tried your patch, sorry, call me lazy

That's the problem with an external patch. It will never get the same
attention as if it was included in mainline. And you can't simply install a
new Vim version without worrying about the patch in contrast to a plugin.

The point is that if you find it useful, you would probably like to have it in
mainline without the problems of the plugin.


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