On 23/08/08 18:09, Markus Heidelberg wrote:
> sc, 23.08.2008:
>>> In view of that, I wonder if the enthusiastic users of this plugin have ever
>>> tested my patch, which is a lot more usable at this time.
>> a lot more useable than what?
> than the plugin
>> you are asking me to patch no
>> fewer than 22 modules:
>> [...]
>> rebuild and re-install the app, as opposed to installing a
>> plugin that's been vimballed?
> Well, you are on the vim developers list. I don't force you to do it, but I
> think if you like the feature, you should probably try it once for comparison
> with the plugin.
>> so, no, i haven't tried your patch, sorry, call me lazy
> That's the problem with an external patch. It will never get the same
> attention as if it was included in mainline. And you can't simply install a
> new Vim version without worrying about the patch in contrast to a plugin.
> The point is that if you find it useful, you would probably like to have it in
> mainline without the problems of the plugin.
> Markus

Unlike sc, I could easily install it if I wanted -- running the "patch" 
program is no problem, and while Vim gets compiled in one terminal I can 
do something else -- even use Vim, an earlier build of course -- in 
other X-windows and/or virtual consoles. It's just that I don't feel 
like I'm going to use it (or Dr.Chip's relative-numbering plugin); and I 
daresay that the risk of a patch which affects so many different sources 
might get bit-rotten in the future (in contrast with Bill McCarthy's 
float functions patch, which affects only one source module) is also 
deterring me somewhat.

OTOH, I would have nothing against both above-mentioned patches being 
incorporated into the mainline sources, Bill's patch as part of the 
+float feature, and your relative-numbers patch either as standard or as 
another optional feature (I suppose the latter would imply bracketing 
all its changes in #ifdef directives but it might be the better choice). 
But of course Bram has the final say on this matter.

Best regards,
Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon.
                -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982

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