Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:

BTW, "Too the few souls in the world who follow this?" is total crap.  Bill
> Gates, the richest man in the world, himself is obviously following this
> with interest.

Lots of people follow cold fusion. I can see that by the traffic statistics
at Not enough people do the research, or fund it. I am glad
that Gates is looking into it, but unless he funds it, his interest will
not do much good. I guess it adds credibility to the field. A few skeptics
may wonder: "Every year for 25 years I have said cold fusion will go away,
yet it still has enough credibility to attract serious interest from Bill
Gates. Why is that?" Most skeptics would answer that by saying: "Gates is a
programmer and knows nothing about science. Obviously he is being scammed
by the Italian National Nuclear Laboratories."

(I am kidding. They would never add the part about the Italian National
Nuclear Labs. They never stop to think about who is doing this. Neither
does Blaze Spinnaker.)

- Jed

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