Jones. "In fact, all of the pictures from JM show a pristine box that simply cannot have been an active boiler – it is too clean. Have you ever seen a working boiler?"

AA. It looks like you lack good industrial experience if you have never seen a clean boiler. Not to mention the LENR does not involve combustion. It does make me wonder - what experience have you ever had?

Jones. "Please note, I am not accusing anyone of a crime or even a civil tort, since the evidence does not support that yet"

AA. But you have repeatedly done just that. You say Rossi is a swindler and a fraud. Also licensed engineer Fabio Penon was "no more than a glorified mechanic." Later saying you didn't does not negate that.

Just why you would want to copyright your piece of fiction is a mystery. Potential customers like ShutRossiDown seem to closed their doors.

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