On this rare occasion, I would have to agree with Axil.  He wrote:

*"I would map the magnetic field strengths over the entire face of the
billet, front and back. I would NOT apply any magnetism to it for fear of
changing something. Use only passive magnetic sensors."*

Since the ferrite will have hysteresis in its curve, and due to the energy
being delivered, I would expect large magnetic field swings that could well
have left a latent image of the magnetic field pattern being excited in the
block.  While it may be difficult, mapping the magnetic field direction on
the 6 faces of the block may provide a good clue into how the coils were

On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 12:36 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One huge advantage that Brian A has over all other replicators is that he
> has a working billet. As a systems engineer, what I  do when reverse
> engineering a old system is to spec it out as well as could be done.
> That working billet is the KEY to the system. If I had the billet, I would
> map the magnetic field strengths over the entire face of the billet, front
> and back. I would NOT apply any magnetism to it for fear of changing
> something. Use only passive magnetic sensors.
> I would write a specification of the original magnet which would include a
> magnetic map of the field patter that it produced.
> I would never run tests on that original billet for fear of changing it in
> some way.
> Then I would duplicate the magnetic field patterns produced by the
> original billet so I could run tests to see what the coils did to the field
> pattern.
> I would then submit the billet spec to a magnetic specialty company to
> produce a billet that met the billet spec and duplicated the original
> billet.
> Such a company is Polymagnet, a magnetic fabricator.
> http://www.polymagnet.com/
> I would then verify that the replicated magnet received from the magnet
> fabricator closely followed the billet spec.
> With the replicated billet in hand, there are two types of coils to now
> reverse engineer, the actuator coil, and the output pickup cable(S).
> The output cable(S) is the one connected to the full wave AC to DC diode
> rectifier. I would identify that rectifier and test how it works, then look
> for some indication of which coils it connected.
> I would spec out the AC power source before using it in any way. After the
> spec is written, I would then replicate the actuator power source and not
> use the original one.
> I would spec out all coils and replicate them, I would not use the
> originals.
> I would do the same for the actuator coil that must be connected to the
> actuator power source(square wave generator).
> As much as possible, use the duplicates and not the originals. Document
> those originals as far as possible. Those originals are far too valuable to
> mess up in any way.

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