Could this process be similar to the situation where positive feedback and a 
small input can be used to control a large amount of heat?  It may be plausible 
that magnetism of a bulk object can be fine tuned so that a small external 
field addition coaxes it into a negative resistance region that is controllable.

My work on positive feedback of heat within an LENR device might yield some 
interesting parallels.  I have long thought that a square loop device such as 
core memory must behave in the manner that it does due to positive feedback 
effectively causing the net magnetization to snap into saturation once a 
threshold is exceeded.  The key question is whether or not the degree of snap 
present within these systems can be modulated to exhibit the right 

Could we be witnessing the careful adjustment of the positive feedback effect 
by 'conditioning the magnet' like Sweet or Manelas?  I would expect the 
behavior to be critical as the amount of positive feedback is increased to just 
the right magnitude.  This is an interesting question that begs for exploration.

If we were quite lucky then another coupling mechanism exists where thermal 
energy of the bulk material is exchanged with magnetic energy during a trip 
throughout the positive feedback region.  Sounds like too many miracles, but 
worth exploration.





-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 1, 2017 1:43 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:DESCRIBING THE MANELAS Phenomenon

I have tried to understand the wiki article on Superparamagnetism...

It seems to me that the level of Superparamagnetism can be adjusted in such a 
way that a weak magnetic field can be applied to a ceramic magnet which is 
highly superparamagnetic to reduce that superparamagnetism and therefore the 
associated magnetic field of the magnet.

This technique is used to write and erase bits onto the surface of  a magnetic 
disk with a ceramic magnetic coating. The way this is done is to adjust the 
number of magnetic domains that are impressed into each and every  nano 
particle that make up the structure of the ceramic magnet surface through a 
specialized demagnetization process.

The way that the number of these magnetic domains are adjusted is done by 
demagnetizing the magnet using a magnetic field that includes a specific 
frequency. The magnetic domains within the nanoparticles become forever 
sensitive to that frequency.

When this weak magnetic field is applied, the magnet becomes demagnetized 
through random thermal vibration. When this alternating magnetic field  is 
removed, the magnetic field of the ceramic magnet returns.

This process is just what happens in the magnetic conditioning of the billet, 
and the subsequent application of the weak activation magnetic field.
This case is summarized by this snippet from the article

>From this frequency-dependent susceptibility, the time-dependence of the 
>magnetization for low-fields can be derived:

There is no time-dependence of the magnetization when the nanoparticles are 
either completely blocked () or completely superparamagnetic ().

The condition we want to get to is when T = TB, that is when the nanoparticles 
are right on the cutting edge between magnetism and diamagnetism, so that a 
tiny magnetic field can turn them off or on.

I will add more detailed explanation if it looks like to you'll that there is 
something to this adjustment in the superpara-magnification of the ceramic 
billet to be sensitive to weak frequency-dependent magnetic fields. Opinions 
are welcome.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 12:38 PM, Brian Ahern <> wrote:

Excess energy and magnetic cooling seem to poke up every now and then. It is 
difficult for even the most dedicated technologists to connect phonons with 

I have had some unique experience with this interaction during my tenure as a 
Staff Sientist at USAF Rome Lab in Lexington MA.  I 1988 I was tasked to 
understand the new cuprate superconductors. By shear luck I discovered that MIT 
Professor Keith Johnson had solved the problem five years earlier. In fact, his 
1983 paper presented in Zurich directed Bednors and Meuller to work on the 
cuprates. Bedorz was the leader of the conference in 1983.

He found that the superconduction arises when the Born-Oppenheimer conditions 
are not met. That is, when the valence electron motion is coupled to 
vibrational modes. The electrons are in molecular orbitals and magnetism exists 
under very specific orbital topologies.

So magnetism (Specific electron orbitals conditions) and phonons can be coupled 
under specific orbital conditions and one combination is shallow well 
ferromagnetism.  Like the superconductor coupling, specific coupling can lead 
to coherent behavior as well in  a ferromagnetic system.

More needs tobe said but there is some new physics at work in the Manelas 

From: <>
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Chris Zell;
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

I have understood that phonons are “virtual” particles that represent a 
localized energy in a crystal lattice made up of kinetic energy and potential 
energy in a resonant stable dynamic state.  It is primarily thought to be an 
electric field that couples the nuclei and electrons in the lattice—primarily 
the valence electrons.  The nuclei oscillate around some mid position in the 
lattice and valence  electrons change their orbital spin states reflecting the 
motion of the nuclei. 
Temperature of the crystal lattice is a measure of the amplitude of the nuclei 
special displacement around their mid position in the lattice.  If the crystal 
constitutes a coherent QM system, then all nuclei vibrate with the same 
amplitude and the crystal is at a single temperature.  If the amplitude 
(temperature) get to high, the crystal electronic bonds fail and the order of 
the crystalline coherent system is lost.    
Magnetic fields change the nature of the potential/kinetic energy sharing.  A 
preferred direction in the crystal is created relative to the magnetic B field 
that exists within the crystalline coherent system.  The orbital spin energy 
states of the valence electrons are modified.  Large B fields can cause large 
changes in these orbital spin states.  If there are resonances between a 
nuclear orbital spin state of the coherent system and an electronic orbital 
spin state, it would seem possible that spin energy may be swapped, changing 
nuclear potential energy into PHONIC  energy of the crystalline coherent 
A variable B field induced by a variable ambient H magnetic field will create a 
universe of differing spin energy states each with a small difference in it 
angular momentum.  If total angular momentum can be conserved, IMHO A 
It may be also possible that the transition is reversible.  In such case a 
reduction of the temperature—lower electron orbital energy—would be the result. 
 (Such a reversal suggests a new concept of temperature, one which shares 
potential and kinetic energy between nuclear entities and electrons. )
Bob Cook
Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: Chris Zell
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

I do recall Wingate Lambertson  - a scientist/expert on cermet products.  Odd 
semi-ceramic things he called “E-dams” that generated excess energy.  I recall 
that he passed away before it could be fully developed.   It all sounded like 
phonon derived energy.

From: Jones Beene [] 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2017 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

 Chris Zell wrote:

If I google “phonons as an energy source”, nothing in particular comes up.  If 
we are identifying them as the likely source of excess energy within a 
barium/strontium ferrite structure,  I would think that someone somewhere has 
thought about cohering them into useful energy.  

But if you google "Microelectromechanical systems" you will get 750,000 hits.

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