One of the unappreciated characteristics of the LENR reaction and a major
impediment to sucessful LENR engineering is that the LENR reaction  makes
matter and energy disappear. This behavior is what leads to the general
condition of failure of LENR reactors due to the erosion of their structure
over time.

Here presented below is an experiment where a 10 yen coin with a standard
weight of 4.5 grams  had been briefly exposed to a LENR active gas and
demonstrates a reduction of its mass.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 7:23 PM Axil Axil <> wrote:

> There are methods to amplify this type of vacuum energy. When 10s of
> thousands of polariton condensates hold trillions of polaritons and those
> polaritons are recycled at  billions of times  a second then we get large
> amounts of vacuum energy.
> Mizumo does not do recycling since he uses heat as a input energy pump.
> For systems that use a waveform like RF, the recycling of the polaritons
> occurs based on the frequency of the RF.
> Now this post excerpt explains how recycling works. The reduction in
> radioactive isotope half life levels can be used as an indicator of how
> SPPs are recycled based on an optimum EMF pumping frequency,
> The mechanism of polariton Bose condensation causation in gold
> nanoparticle excitation involves the generation of a local plasma state and
> associated intense EMF fields around a gold nanoparticle that generates a
> critical density of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) which generates a
> polariton condensate that acts as a micro analog black hole in which
> relativistic time dilation occurs in and round its vortex flux tubes. The
> SPP condensate and Its vortex tube are pictured in other posts.
> *Reference:
> <>*
>  *Accelerated alpha-decay of **232**U isotope achieved by exposure of its
> aqueous solution with gold nanoparticles to laser radiation*
> *A.V. Simakin, G.A. Shafeev*
> *This reference sheds light on the posit that an electromagnetic black
> hole accelerates radioactive decay through relativistic time dilation. With
> this posit in mind, experimental data elucidates what the optimum duration
> of the pumping EMF **time-frame** should be.*
>  "Experimental results are presented on laser-induced accelerated
> alpha-decay of Uranium-232nuclei under laser exposure of Au nanoparticles
> in aqueous solutions of its salt. It is demonstrated that the decrease of
> alpha-activity strongly depends on the peak intensity of the laser
> radiation in the liquid and is highest at several terawatt per square
> centimeter. The decrease of alpha-activity of the exposed solutions is
> accompanied by the deviation of gamma-activities of daughter nuclides of
> Uranium-232 from their equilibrium values. Possible mechanisms of the
> laser influence on the alpha-activity are discussed on the basis of the
> amplification of the electric field of laser wave on metallic
> nanoparticles."
> The referenced article shows that the polariton Bose condensate reduces
> the 69 year half-life ofU232 to 5 microseconds. It addition, the
> acceleration of radioactive decay of the 4.5 billion year half-life of
> uranium is sufficiently time accelerated to produce significant detectable
> uranium decay products.
> Both the power of the laser pulse and its duration are important factors
> in producing optimum half-life decay acceleration. The nanosecond laser
> pulse length is too short to optimize radioactive decay acceleration as
> well of the 350 ps laser source. The 150 ps laser source seems to be a
> better fit to match the 50 ps life span of the polariton which is the
> resonance value for optimization of decay.
> Another insight gleaned for this experiment is that the length of the
> laser pulse does not produce continuing radioactive decay acceleration.
> This is important: The LENR activity is constrained by the lifetime of the
> polariton and is active only as long as the polariton is active.
> The LENR reaction is like milking a cow, you only get energy when you
> squeeze. Just holding the teats gets you nowhere
> On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 6:39 PM JonesBeene <> wrote:
>> Hawking radiation may be real but the evidence for it seems to indicate
>> that it  is far too weak to be relevant in LENR even of UDH is identical to
>>  dark matter.

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