What do the vocal folk here think of David de Hilster?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p-61TFsGCA <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p-61TFsGCA>

And, do you think the neutrino is a fudge-factor?  Being essentially non-detectable they make a great fudge.  The neutrino detection I read about said that it was hardly proof --another reading in the noise floor --while the article portended it was proof.  Has there been more recent 'hard' proof of neutrinos?

OK, I'm a contrarian.

But, the article I read on the Nobel prize winning Higgs boson detection also said it was a secondary inferred detection.  But after spending billions, somebody has to get a a prize.  And I'm very, very skeptical about super-duper big-science when career politics always trumps science.  Which is nothing new.

Michael Faraday was a commoner, a book binder, unable to possibly do good science, because he did not have noble blood, per his boss.  A laughing gas habit killed Michael's boss, so I reckon Michael did get the last laugh  --as his brilliance was celebrated when his noble control-freak was gone.

I think the media has a damaging effect on science.  Take the entangled photons from crystals that behave in parallel dynamics for a few milliseconds... and the media hails it as 'Star Trek Teleportation Discovered!'  Gag me with a spoon, folks.

My bwain comes with a built-in crystal ball --and the ball says we're all eventually screwed without more group-sense than our race has shown ability to ensconce.  But our world profits from division, anger, and fear. Big huge profit.

Then there's NDAs that shelter corporate science --with devastating law suites.

And there's gag-orders delivered by the Department of Defense (American), who screen ALL patents for new science that us commoners cannot so much as know without being a treasoner for the knowing.  Some classified science requires anyone aware of the knowledge to have three Ph.D-s.  Can anyone verify that? One gag-order was put on a blacktopping machine that could pave through the desert with sand... dangerous technology!  Enemies have lots of sand.  This was told me by the personal friend of the guy that got gagged.

I new an autistic man that was a far removed genius at electronic stuff, now pass away, that patented an energy storage device, and paid more than ten thousand dollars for market representation.  He paid a military 'flag man' to market on military IP auctions in cycles of three months.  The DoD showed up, in a classic black van, and delivered a gag order, stating "never speak of this. Tell anyone you ever told about it that it is now a treasonous offense to discuss this knowledge."

Share classified military science after retirement and loose your entire pension.

Oh God!  Don't get me started on religious suppression of science as a popular hate-sport by mis-informed people by a network profiting from negative sensation --a modern media trend trend that has us all programmed for instant negative thoughts to arrive before deeper positive inner-ponderings.  Hate generates low-stupid of gross naivete.

Make me really nauseous and talk to me about pseudo-science that attempts to prove the Bible is the ultimate blueprint of quantum physics.  And those poor flat-earthers.

Are we a natural scientist if we...

Find joy of connecting the dots about mysteries of the universe.

Find a thrill of another comprehending ones personal inspiration, and in reverse, especially.

Find hope in discovering knowledge as a hope to help humanity.

Thoughts for the holidays?  Lamentations of a long career? Instant negative reactions?  Carefully pondered retrospection of changes a 'modern' media has done to a world once mediated by integrity? Etc?

Stay hydrated!

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