The problem with "aether" is that there are lots of different types of aether that can be proposed; so how is it to be defined; on the simplest level-> could take it as definition that-> a wave has a medium; and then -> if light is a wave then it should have a medium.

I explain the apparent confirmations of relativity theory-> "they" are lying; by such tactics as sin of omission.

------ Original Message ------
From: "H LV" <>
Sent: Saturday, 28 Nov, 20 At 21:10
Subject: Re: [Vo]:De Hilster on Einstein fallacy

One of the panelists offers what could be called a weak criticism of relativity theory. He says all aether theories are irrelevant because they can't be proven or disproven, so it is unfair for relativists to assert anything about the existence or non-existence of an aether.

However, if the Michelson-Morely experiment had produced a fringe shift that would have confirmed the existence of aether. Michelson took the null result to mean there was something wrong with his understanding of the aether rather than as concept to be dismissed as irrelevant or obsolete. Any new aether will have to explain the null result and all other apparent confirmations of relativity theory.


On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 11:05 AM ROGER ANDERTON < <> > wrote:

fudging math is standard part of science/physics

Einstein's work not even properly translated from German into English, and was probably done by his wife anyway; so all built on misunderstandings as per latest talk at ANPA-> <>

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