the Michelson Morely results can be explained using a ballistic model of
light, but we know that such a model is an inaccurate representation of
It would just take a little imagination and some basic algebra to find
suitable rules for the addition and subtraction of velocities for a wave
model of light. However, while the measured velocity of light could
decrease or increase in the moving frame, I still think the rules should
ensure that the velocity of light of wrt to the aether does not change.

On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 5:21 PM ROGER ANDERTON <>

> a lot of that video is lies.
> Brings in Lorentz- but from Lorentz theory there is no discard aether, it
> still keeps aether.
> As for Michelson didn't accept Einstein relativity; well of course because
> MMX could still be understood through variable lightspeed theory, no need
> for constant lightspeed.
> etc.
> Just usual misrepresentations!
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "H LV" <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, 30 Nov, 20 At 17:16
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:De Hilster on Einstein fallacy
> Here is a 30 min video (made in the 1980s) about the Michelson Morely
> experiment with some historical context. Whereas as most of his
> contemporaries embraced the null result, Michelson always regarded the
> experiment as a failure.
> Episode 41: The Michelson morley Experiment (made in the 1980s)
> His experimental apparatus was based on the assumption that motion through
> the aether can be instrumentally decomposed into a transverse component and
> a longitudinal component. However, I think this is a methodological error
> that results from conflating the motion of a flowing fluid with a wave
> propagating in a medium. In reality all parts of the apparatus moving with
> speed V through the aether will either send light forward with speed (C-V)
> or send light rearward with speed (C+V) in the frame of the apparatus. What
> was analysed as transverse motion was really just forward motion. (These
> additive and subtractive rules ensure that the speed of light wrt to the
> aether frame is always C.)
> Harry
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 4:18 PM ROGER ANDERTON <
>> wrote:
>> The problem with "aether" is that there are lots of different types of
>> aether that can be proposed; so how is it to be defined; on the simplest
>> level-> could take it as definition that-> a wave has a medium; and then ->
>> if light is a wave then it should have a medium.
>> I explain the apparent confirmations of relativity theory-> "they" are
>> lying; by such tactics as sin of omission.
>> ------ Original Message ------
>> From: "H LV" <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, 28 Nov, 20 At 21:10
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:De Hilster on Einstein fallacy
>> One of the panelists offers what could be called a weak criticism of
>> relativity theory.
>> He says all aether theories are irrelevant because they can't be proven
>> or disproven, so it is unfair
>> for relativists to assert anything about the existence or non-existence
>> of an aether.
>> However, if the Michelson-Morely experiment had produced a fringe shift
>> that would have confirmed
>> the existence of aether. Michelson took the null result to mean there was
>> something wrong with his
>> understanding of the aether rather than as concept to be dismissed as
>> irrelevant or obsolete.
>> Any new aether will have to explain the null result and all other
>> apparent confirmations of relativity theory.
>> Harry
>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2020 at 11:05 AM ROGER ANDERTON <
>>> wrote:
>>> fudging math is standard part of science/physics
>>> Einstein's work not even properly translated from German into English,
>>> and was probably done by his wife anyway; so all built on misunderstandings
>>> as per latest talk at ANPA->

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