Can you elaborate on how and why a "resonance decays through the Fibonacci
spirals of a protein nanotubel" ?  Would other structures, whose geometry
is related to the Fibonacci sequence, or to a Golden Spiral, also function
like this?  Would this shape, for example?

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 10:37 AM Don Mitchell <> wrote:

> Hello vortex-l,
> *Premise:* Penrose-Hameroff *Orch OR Theory *proposed protein nanotube *is
> proper*ly identified as the interface of spirit with brain.
> By Penrose logic, the brain does not generate mind, but is a transceiver
> interface composed of protein nanotubes that burst into quantum resonance
> about 40 times a second.  You and me are minds in the aether activating
> quantum relaxation oscillators to be you and me, per Sir Penrose and Dr.
> Hameroff.
> In the PH model, quantum resonance decays through the Fibonacci spirals of
> a protein nanotube to ultimaltely afford 'when' a neuron fires.
> The electrons of the nanotubes resonate with energy within the quantum
> noise-floor (my term) between the atoms of the nanotubes.
> Is this a proper grammatical construct for the *Orch OR Theory*?
> Druthers?
> Assume the signal propagation of mind is in the aether plenum and is
> superluminal and scalar (all directions isotropically).
> By that assumption, 'mind' in the aetheric plenum is a zero-dimensional
> oscillation over time, I think.
> Is 'zero-dimensional' the proper notation for a signal that varied in
> quality nearly** everywhere at once?
> **nearly: superluminal is not infinite.
> Let's huddle.
> If every neuron is synchopated with the aether, then every neuron is
> simultaneously aware of the same signal of 0-D mind in the aether.
> If mind is superluminal, then every neuron active in our pulse-field of
> brain-mind is tuned as a whole to one signal, our mind in the aether.
> Thoughts, please?
> Might there be some hint of simultaneity that may be sensorized within our
> gray matter?
> -don

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