On Aug 26, 2007, at 11:00 AM, Edmund Storms wrote:

Hi Horace,

The reason the conduction of water is said to be caused by ions is because pure water is essentially an insulator. In fact, the purity of water is normally measured by measuring its conductivity. As for the speed of ions, an individual ion moves only a very short distance. This is like electron conduction in a metal. When the field is changed, the whole electron collection or, in this case, ion collection moves as a unit all at the same time instantaneously, i.e. with a speed of light reaction time.

Yes, that's the conventional electrochemistry pablum that starts with the idealized "field between parallel plates" and culminates in the Nernst equation. It all works out just fine at a gross level, even though the underpinning assumptions are blatantly false, at least in many circumstances.

In my experiments I used small platinum electrodes, which are not plate like, but rather point like. At an electrode separation of 1 m, or 5 m or 10 m the E field from those points nearly vanishes - especially considering the potential drop is almost all across the 2 cell interfaces. No problem - the results are the ions all start their motion in harmony at near light speed. This of course can't happen if the ions were point charges as in the above model. The ions are in 1/r^2 fields, so if you compute the force from the 10 V source I used you'll see the accelerating force should (a) be practically non-existent, and (b) drop off as the square of the cell length, which is does not. If there actually were a chain of ions magically suspended in space (like ball bearings hanging on strings with spring lateral connections) between the electrodes the force would have to be transmitted from one to the next in a chain reaction wave like scenario which is dependent or particle mass. This doesn't happen, at least not to a large extent - though I did actually see to a small extent the momentum related kinds of traces I originally expected, so it may actually be possible to do some kind of ion spectroscopy using this method. So, in any event, the "E-field from parallel plates" idealization is completely bogus. I think Bockris must have realized all this when he said cell conduction in the electrolyte away from the plates is principally due to diffusion and not the E field.

Here's yet another reason the "E-field between electrodes" explanation is bogus: the 10 m cell, consisting of Tygon tubing filled with Li2SO4 solution, could be bent in all kinds of configurations, without changing cell currents. Included in those configurations is the case where the electrodes are back-to-back, facing opposed directions, i.e. with the Tygon tubes making a big circle, but initially departing in directions opposed to the bulk of the direct E-field between the electrodes. At this point one is tempted to give the "electrolyte dielectric field" explanation - as I did. It was a wrong hypothesis too. In order for the dielectric field explanation to match the results the E field has to decline linearly with distance between points, not as the square of the distance or some other nonlinear declining function. So this explanation doesn't fit the 1 m, 5 m, 10 m cell situation at all. Further, here again, is the problem of the chain reaction of neighboring nuclei effect causing inertial delays proportional to the nucleus or ion mass, and related resonance effects - i.e. sonic effects, which clearly did not happen.

I eventually solved this problem, I think. The E field within the electrolyte is transmitted by a purely quantum effect - transmission by direct electron orbital-to-orbital pressure. It is a kind of orbital electron sound, and it travels at about 1/10 c. It is the *electron shells* that move initially, and jointly, not the nuclei. The shells have less than 1/1000th the mass of the nuclei. They move in unison by a quantum wave form carried pressure. Electron fugacity is thus highly related to, intrinsic to, electrolyte conduction. As charge is added to either end of the lattice, or even a pseudo lattice consisting of electron shells in a liquid, the electron lattice adjusts, and the nuclei are later eventually brought along for the ride if the compression wave is one way in the nuclei's locality.

Now, you might ask how does this form of wave transmission differ from sound? Why does the nucleus momentum not come into play? The answer I think is one of degree. The electron orbital compression wave is readily carried at high speed provided the dislocation distance applies no significant force on the nucleus. The nucleus is located in the center of a cloud of charge. In the absence of an external E field, when integrating the force from that symmetric cloud of charge, the force on the nucleus comes out to zero. The effective charge within and up close to the nucleus, which is that charge that determines nucleus-shell forces at small shell displacements, is normally very near zero. The rest of the charge outside a small displacement radius is unseen by the nucleus because it self-balances, it is symmetric. Therefore, a wave involving only minor motions of the electron shell, but yet simultaneous motions of the entire shell, require very little energy. However, a small displacement of the entire set of shells in a large body gets the nuclei accelerating a small amount all at once. Carrying a pulse with a significant amount of energy and momentum, i.e. sound, requires nuclear motion, and it is transmitted atom to atom by nuclear motion, and thus is very slow to transmit, and is carried by large magnitude phonons. The amount of charge involved in the "center of charge displacement force" varies exponentially with the size of the displacement.

A third electrode in an electrolytic can be thought of as two cells in series, with one side of the third electrode being the cathode to one cell and the other side being the anode to the other cell. As a result, nothing special is created.

My point was simply that after inclusion of a third electrode the potential drop across the interface is reduced for DC and not as much for AC. This concept might be useful for figuring out where an observed change in electrolysis efficiency might be coming from. An increase in efficiency in a particular blend of temperature, AC current, DC current, and frequencies may be "special" in the sense of useful.

Horace Heffner

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