I like Ron's generous offer to avail his lab's resources to perform
independent replication of the hotly contested Stiffler circuit.
Perhaps Dr. Stiffler may be able to lend assistance - if he has the

IMHO too many individuals are in danger of taking Dr. Stiffler's
recent claims TOO PERSONALLY. I don't claim to be an expert in this,
but if the interested parties could stand back a tad and attempt to
reestablish their own neutral sense of objectivity I think it would go
a long way in resolving the level of polarization currently being
expressed by a number of high quality analytical minds who regularly
contribute useful information to Vortex-l.

Admittedly, I want to believe Dr.Stiffler's prototype is the genuine
article. Well...Geez! Who wouldn't! However, approaching this from the
most neutral perspective that I can muster I must admit in all candor
that the intriguing photographs and U-Tube videos Dr. Stiffler has
posted (which I have enjoyed viewing!) so far can not BY THEMSELVES
ALONE prove definitively that his prototype is operating as claimed,
meaning no prosaic external power is feeding the odd circuitry. Deep
down I think everyone understands this, including Dr. Stiffler. The
best that Dr. Stiffler's photos and videos can do at this juncture is
suggest that his rapidly evolving prototypes may indeed be operating
as claimed. It strongly suggestes further investigation is warranted.
At this point in time with so many mysteries unanswered it would be a
crime against all of humanity if further R&D in this area were
suddenly dropped, precisely because WE DO NOT YET KNOW DEFINITIVELY
what the hell is actually happening! "Is it real, or Memorex!"

Obviously, independent replication will go a long way in revolving the
current crop of cantankerous grilling that has been raised. I also
gather that a few successful independent replications are starting to
trickle in, if we are to believe Jones' previous claims. If so, that's
encouraging news. Encouraging news indeed.

But as always, patience, Grasshopper!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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