----- Original Message ----- From: "Harry Veeder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Neither. Orientation is not particularly important. Reporter's impression,
that's all. Details in the BLP paper "Commercialzatable...", Fig.2

Mike Carrell

I downloaded the paper

_Commercializable Power Source from Forming New States of Hydrogen_

Figures  1 and 2 show the same horizontal orientation.
Figure 3 seems to show it as well.
Perhaps I missed it, but my quick reading of the paper does not reveal
anything concerning the issue of orientation.

Because it is not important. If you look at the pix on the website. you will recognize the calorimeters sitting around on benches. The paper is quite dense, like a bunch of lab notes, weak on narration. The reagents are packed into the cell in a glove box, sealed and placed in the calorimeter. Initially the chamber is evacuated to insulate the cell for a minimize power loss while it heated to activate the reagents. Once it fires, the heater power is turned off and the chamber is filled with helium to facilitate transfer of the heat to the external cooling coils, which circulate water. Nothing about this is sensitive to orientation. You may be confusing this with the fuss over the "Fifth Force" studies where critics were faulting the experiment because the apparatus was not designed to be turned upside down. In the present case, orientation does not matter.

Mike Carrell


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