>From Mr. Blanton:

> John, [Mack] G-d rest his soul, also believed, much like you,
> that abductions were not totally physical.  He thought it might
> be only the spirit that was abducted.

I experienced a my own personal Mack of the 3rd kind encounter when I
briefly brushed past the venerable doctor at the 50th Anniversary of the
Roswell Crash festival held in Roswell, circa 1997. I handed Mack a post
card, a reproduction of one of the first *digital* paintings I ever created:
"The Seeding". 


He glanced at it and smiled briefly. As he walked away, he pocketed the
image and proclaimed, "You must be on drugs."

As Mack walked away, one of his aids leaned over and whispered something in
my year, something to the effect, that when Mack sez something like "...you
must be on drugs" it was meant as a complement. I took it as such.

But in reply to your comment about the abduction of the spirit. I'm not
entirely convinced that Mack would have perceived such spiritual
"encounters" within the context of an actual abduction scenario. But then,
let us not forget that old saying: "While the spirit is strong, the flesh is

Personally, I'm not attempting to put forth the premise that such encounters
are an "abduction of the spirit." It would be more precise for me to suggest
that many of such encounters (MANY, BUT NOT ALL) may be more a matter of the
more alienated portions of our "selves" attempting to reunite with the more
acceptable portions of our "selves."

I suspect we still have a lot to learn about "self."

This is a good thing!

Steven Vincnet Johnson

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