On Aug 4, 2009, at 4:12 PM, Jeff Fink wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Storms [mailto:stor...@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 4:00 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Cc: Edmund Storms
Subject: Re: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

Jeff, a significant difference exists between the UFO observations and
demon possession.  The UFO observations are based on real events that
can be documented. When the different kinds of observations are
combined, they show a consistent interpretation.

As I was saying, the perpetrators have developed an agenda.  They have

On the other hand, demon possession is an interpretation of human behavior,
nothing more.

You obviously have never seen any of this in action.

Certain religions have attributed this behavior to the presence of demons.
Modern psychology attributes the effect to extreme
personality disorders.

So, you are convinced that the vast majority of personality disorders are
imbalances in brain chemistry rather than attacks by spiritual beings,
whether we call them aliens, demons, or fallen angels.

I acknowledge that effects we can call supernatural do exist. I sincerely doubt these effects are correctly described by Christian mythology. Nevertheless, some of what you would ascribe to demons might be part of this supernatural interaction. However, I think a greater number are the effects of imbalances in brain chemistry, as you say. Ever since Christianity became a dominate religion, it has been trying to explain natural behavior with very poor success, the Galileo issue being a famous example of such failure. In addition, the insistence of demons being the source of unconventional behavior has been used to cause great misery in the past, the Witch killings being a good example. Consequently, I have very little respect for such explanations, as you can see.



Nevertheless, I will acknowledge that some
supernatural effects might be operating, the nature of which is
unknown, except to those who have a preconceived belief that they
apply regardless of objective evidence.


On Aug 4, 2009, at 5:58 AM, Jeff Fink wrote:

It seems to me that traditional cases of demon possession over the
have been more common with more documentations than the UFO/
abductions we
have today.  Couldn't this all be a new twist on an old theme?
Perhaps we
tend to embrace this new stuff and reject the old stuff simply
because the
perpetrators have lured us by putting a scientific flavor on it.


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