>From Mr. Storms

> Steven, are you suggesting the "something else" is 
> imagination or a mind probe by the aliens without physical contact?

Why either/or?

It seems plausible for me to speculate that some of the "somethings" may
indeed be of our own imagination. But then, as we are beginning to learn,
telecommuting is turning out to be a much cheaper way to conduct a
meeting-of-the-minds! ;-)


> My understanding is that the aliens were genetically
> designed for space travel and are not suited to endure
> on this planet for any length of time. To solve this 
> problem, they are redesigning themselves to be more 
> suited to work here.  This is a slow process that has 
> been ongoing for centuries. Unlike the science fiction 
> stories, they do not plan to take over, but instead to 
> gradually improve the human DNA.  God knows, we need 
> such an improvement.  As Chris observed, we humans 
> cannot survive much longer without being telepathic .  
> While this trait is a recessive talent in humans, the 
> aliens have mastered this skill. Hopefully, they will 
> gradually add this feature to our DNA.

The late Philip J. Corso expressed similar sentiments concerning alien
biological construction and related space faring concepts. I'm glad I had
the chance to schmooze briefly with the old coot down in Roswell back in 97.
He was fun to be around - lots of old war stories, i.e.: the Flying Tigers.
Least it sound like I'm denigrating Mr. Corso, no, I'm not.

> Carbon based life has to be the most common form 
> because only such compounds have enough variety to 
> allow all kinds of environments to be tolerated.  
> I would not expect alien DNA would match ours, but 
> it would be close enough to be a templet.  Once an 
> understanding of DNA is mastered, all kinds of 
> variations can be made, as we humans are discovering.  
> It just takes time to gradually create the transition.  
> After all, we humans evolved from something like a 
> mole after the last great extinction.  Although this 
> took many  millions of years, a knowledge of genetic 
> engineering can speed up this process.  Even using 
> our crude methods, we have made significant changes 
> in domestic animals and some plants, a process that 
> is accelerating as we better understand the genes.  
>> Ah, but they are smart aliens, I am told. They are 
>> highly advanced... so advanced, as the story goes, 
>> that somehow they managed to get themselves into a 
>> genetic pickle, where suddenly they need OUR genetic
>> material in order to fix THEIR genetic material. 
> I don't think this is the problem, exactly. They are 
> designed for space travel, which is not a "pickle".  
> Now that they have found a useful planet and a DNA 
> that is compatible with this environment, they are 
> working to have a permanent presence here, which 
> requires they be genetically like us.  As we attempt 
> to travel in space, we will discover that we are not 
> designed for this effort and will have to do some 
> genetic engineering ourselves.  This process has 
> started by selecting certain kinds of traits for the 
> astronauts.  These traits will be gradually amplified 
> until a class of people will evolve who are employed 
> for space travel, provided our other deficiencies 
> don't get in the way first.
>>     Obviously, their technology is so vastly superior 
>> to ours that such "splicing" wouldn't be a problem.  
>> But... but... I sez to myself: If it is presumed they 
>> are so capable of performing such miraculous 
>> technologically precise DNA splicing feats wouldn't 
>> they have already figured out how to manufacture the 
>> equivalent of all our wholesome genes for which their 
>> species would need WITHOUT having to physically mine 
>> ours for all of our indigenous genetic fiddlybits? In a
>> sense, this conjecture is similar to what Jed has harped 
>> about more than once concerning whether we would even 
>> need to continue to extract oil from out of the ground 
>> once CF gets a good footing. According to Jed, if CF
>> becomes cheap and prevalent, we'll make it ourselves 
>> out of the base materials. 
> I don't see any conflict here. The genetic structure is 
> so complex, that starting from scratch would be very 
> difficult and inefficient.  What would be the point 
> when perfectly good gene components are already here 
> and working just fine?

All of the above reasons are perfectly plausible within the scientific
paradigms we currently hold.

Nevertheless, I only hope that you and others might at least be willing to
occasionally entertain the possibility that such "reasonings" might reveal a
rich underlying bedrock of mythic archetypes that have acquired relevant
meaning within our current technologically oriented society. 

As I continue waxing on: We cannot escape our fundamental need to engage
ourselves (our spirit) within the drama of mythmaking. Those who pride
themselves in believing that their hard-won formal educations have rendered
their finely tuned logic and reasoning facilities "above" the follies of
buying into all that primitive "myth-making" crap, only end up fooling

The myths are always there. In a sense myths are here to serve our psychic
well-being, not to fool us. But if we attempt to ignore their influences,
their influences will influence us anyway, regardless of whether we believe
we are being influenced by their presence or not.

> The seeding would have to involve very simple fragments
> because the only reason we have been successful in 
> surviving the many insults to life is because of 
> evolution. Our genes have been fashioned by trial 
> and error into a form that can survive most of the 
> time.  Even an advanced alien could not guess what 
> form of genetic structure would be needed in order 
> to meet the changing conditions on earth. Apparently, 
> a few human-like forms were created during the process 
> and failed before our latest genetic structure met 
> the challenge, so far.  

Again, all of the above reasons are perfectly plausible within the
scientific paradigms we currently hold.

Nevertheless, could you also possibly consider the possibility of how rich
the above "reasonings" are, and how they could be perceived within the
context of a rich modern myth that is in the process of being birthed (just
like those hybrids that abductees keep seeing), a revised modernized myth
that has MUCH more meaning and personal value to us?


> No matter what view is held, someone will have the 
> opposite view.  This being the case, we as individuals 
> have to learn to live with what we can accept. If this 
> is close to reality, we will prosper. If not, we will 
> fail.  The process has nothing to do with anyone else's 
> beliefs.  I get the impression you understand this, 
> Steven, in spite of your comment.

It is obvious that we both are concerned about the welfare of our planet,
and our precarious foot-hold on it. Of course, most within the Vort
Collective are just as concerned.

I enjoyed chewing the fat with you, Mr Storms. Pass the salt, please!

Steven Vincnet Johnson

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