You misunderstand my position on these experiences.  In my belief system, I
don't fear demons or the devil. Through Jesus they fear me.  I will never
see a UFO, or have an alien abduction experience.  

We must know our enemy in order to win, but most people don't even believe
the devil or demons exist.  That is by his design and one of the most
successful tactics of this "invasion" if you will.  As Ed suggested they are
trying to hide their existence to a degree and definitely hide their true
nature.  After all, we will not guard ourselves against something that does
not exist.

It would be interesting to see how many God fearing, born again, Bible
believing, Christians have had abduction experiences.  I venture to say that
it is none, since we don't have nearly as much vulnerability as the general
population.  The Bible says, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
Who out there is going to resist something that doesn't exist?

There does seem to be a distinction between demon possession and demon
oppression.  These beings are able to affect you, plant visions or memories,
all short of taking you over on a continuous basis, but once one has taken
control, he can allow others to enter.  This is the source of multiple

We all seem to agree that there is some nasty "unexplainable" stuff going on
in and around the world.  We can each call it what we want, but that does
not change what it is.


-----Original Message-----
From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 9:08 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:OT: The Abduction Paradigm

>From Mr. Fink

> It seems to me that traditional cases of demon 
> possession over the centuries have been more common 
> with more documentations than the UFO/abductions we
> have today.  Couldn't this all be a new twist on an 
> old theme?  Perhaps we tend to embrace this new stuff 
> and reject the old stuff simply because the 
> perpetrators have lured us by putting a scientific 
> flavor on it.

Many people have speculated on the premise that "UFO Abductions" are
actually demonic activity shrouded in the guise of modern archetypes
involving spaceships and aliens. They conjecture that these
abductee/experiencers are not interpreting the "true" picture of what's
really going on.

In regards to such conjecture, I think it is only logical I ask individuals
like Mr. Fink the inevitable question: What makes you think those who in
prior pre-technological societies were any better at correctly interpreting
their alleged "demonic" encounters, as compared to those who currently
believe they are being abducted by aliens?

>From what I can tell, the fear of "demonic" encounters seems to revolve
around an archetypical belief that one's "soul" is in danger of being
repossessed by the equivalent of the "repo-man" - nefarious creatures who
have an agenda all of their own, to repossess your "vehicle".

I cannot tell you, nor is it even appropriate for me to suggest you stop
fearing in the belief of evil spirits or the devil. And even if I were to
suggest such a foolish thing I suspect you would continue to fear such
things anyway, precisely because such concepts most likely have significant
meaning for you, particularly in the way I speculate you might believe the
universe is constructed, as well as your position in it.

I can only suggest that you might want to consider some of the following
thoughts: Our imagination is a powerful tool. One of the challenges we homo
sapiens are still learning how to grapple with is the fact that such a
powerful tool can occasionally get the best of us, particular when we end up
serving the whims of our imagination, rather than our imaginations serving
our best interests. If that doesn't make any sense to you, let me offer the
following anecdotal information having to do with the many abductee /
experiencers I've met over the years.

None, of the abductee / experiencers that I've met have ever shown the
slightest hints of behavior that would suggest (to me) that they have been
"possessed". They have never shown symptoms that someone else is actually
pulling their strings. Granted, a few here and there them may genuinely FEAR
some "alien(s)" are attempting to control (possess) them, but that's not the
same thing as BEING controlled by aliens, or demons. The fact that they
might fear the process means they are not actually being controlled - they
simply fear that they might be vulnerable to being controlled.

There seems to be a distinction between demonic possession and demonic

With apologies to the many fine atheists who reside within the Vort
Collective let me suggest an alternative perspective that I hope Jeff might
be willing to entertain concerning the matter of "demonic possession." Most
of the Great Masters have stated (in different wording) that one's Soul is
Eternal. You, the essence of what You are is Your Soul. The Soul is one's
direct link with the Eternal, of the TAO, God, Allah, whatever one wishes to
name that which cannot be named. You cannot be separated from your Soul,
which means You cannot be separated from the TAO, God, Allah, or whatever
one wishes to name: "I Am that I Am" is. The only tangible fear that might
exist concerning "possession" is a BELIEF that one's Soul can be separated
from its eternal Source. It's a titillating belief, one that our species has
constructed and continues to occasionally flirt with, causing great drama
and spectacle for all to see. But in the end, we discover it's only a
belief, a belief of our own making. We don't have to lose Ourselves in such
a belief. Such a belief no longer has to continue hindering us from
experiencing Who We really Are, if we chose to set such a belief aside.

Ah, what the hell. I suspect Kyle Mcallister probably articulated a similar
matter far better than I when he recently suggested:

"...go along for the ride. Or as some would say, 'Dude. Chill.'"

Steven Vincent Johnson

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