Ok,  if this abduction/ET stuff is real, then we must have something unique and 
technologically irreducible that they want.  Otherwise, why wouldn't they stay 
home and synthesize it?  Our specific DNA, maybe?
Second,  if some of them come from distant worlds then I can see why Greer 
links UFOs with free energy.  We can't go much further with space travel in 
that we store up the energy we need to get us to the Moon or a planet( in the 
form of a rocket.)
Finally, there are a number of events suggesting that they are very interested 
in - or even interfering with - our nuclear weapons.  Maybe they are smart 
enough to avoid "moral hazard" in regard to preventing us from blowing 
ourselves up  - thru deception and confusion and concealment.  I wouldn't want 
idiot humans to know that I'm gonna try to intervene every time they try to 
"push the button".
............that would be too much like the government dealing with banks!


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