>From Terry:

> Scenario 3 was put forth by one of the remote viewers of fame, the
> name of exactly which one escapes me.  He purports that the aliens are
> actually time travelers from our future.  The human race altered their
> DNA intentionally to try to eliminate all those "nasty" human
> characteristics.
> Unfortunately, they found that they went too far and have returned in
> order to collect samples to restore those lost humane traits.

Years ago I remember reading a SF novel based on a premise very similar to
what you have outlined. The author was obviously well-versed in UFO
abduction lore. He did a pretty decent job of coming up with a plausible
story line. 

Yet another scenario to add to the ever growing list of possibilities.

> Me, I think it's all something like Terrance McKenna said:
> "We are part of a symbiotic relationship with something which
> disguises itself as an extra-terrestrial invasion so as not to alarm
> us."

Yes, walk quietly. Do not disturb the indigenous life forms. 

And, oh by the way, do not leave any refuse. New fines are in place. ;-)

Steven Vincnet Johnson

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