Well Chris, we know a few facts about the would we all inhibit. One fact is that certain important elements and compounds are not distributed uniformly in the universe. One of these is water, especially D2O. Granted, water can be found on many planets, but in small amounts and sometimes in inconvenient forms. The D2O is probably equally rare elsewhere. The earth is nice because the water is in great abundance and relatively pure. In addition, the climate is hospitable.

As for staying home, you should ask why the human race does not intend to stay home instead of going to the Moon and then Mars. I'm sure the aliens have the same reasons.

The fact that they come from a star at least several light years away shows that energy sources are available in nature that would allow such travel. This is good news for the ZPE advocates. It also means some shortcuts might be available, which is good news for the wormhole advocates.

I imagine our technology does not interest them because by comparison it is too primitive. Also, they do not interferer in our affairs because to do so would make us mad and spoil their plans. As we have seen to often happen, when the crazies are railed up, no one is safe.


On Aug 4, 2009, at 2:42 PM, Chris Zell wrote:

Ok, if this abduction/ET stuff is real, then we must have something unique and technologically irreducible that they want. Otherwise, why wouldn't they stay home and synthesize it? Our specific DNA, maybe?

Second, if some of them come from distant worlds then I can see why Greer links UFOs with free energy. We can't go much further with space travel in that we store up the energy we need to get us to the Moon or a planet( in the form of a rocket.)

Finally, there are a number of events suggesting that they are very interested in - or even interfering with - our nuclear weapons. Maybe they are smart enough to avoid "moral hazard" in regard to preventing us from blowing ourselves up - thru deception and confusion and concealment. I wouldn't want idiot humans to know that I'm gonna try to intervene every time they try to "push the button".

...........that would be too much like the government dealing with banks!

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