Terry sez:

> Absolutely one of the best descriptions of sudden self-actualization I
> have ever read.  I, too, experienced something similar at about 19 yrs
> old.

Actually, Terry, I have a confession to make. I must recount the true-story
of a deeply buried memory.

You be the judge! ;-)



I must have been around six years old at the time. I was living in Taipei,
Taiwan, attending 2nd grade at a Roman Catholic school. I recall each day as
the buss took me into the school grounds it felt like I was entering "the
compound". It was a place where penguins patrolled with absolute impunity.

One eerie pre-dawn morning I woke startled. Something was not right! In
front of me was a misty glowing undefined column of "something" hovering
about a foot or two above my bed. It was Jesus! Had to be Jesus! I also knew
that I didn't want Jesus hovering above my bed in the wee hours of a
pre-dawn morning, so uninvited. I remember bolting upright and taking a
solid swing through the ghostly column. I remember mentally shouting "GO

It did. Vanished in a shrug. Never to be seen again.

I recall enduring several bouts of dread and guilt for days afterward,
realizing I had told Jesus to go away. However, with each subsequent day,
combined with the fact I had yet to be cast into an eternal pit of fire and
damnation, I guess I decided it was best to simply bury the memory within a
dark fissure of my subconscious.

Fast forward many decades later, I recall asking a psychic-channeler, a
modern day shaman, about my childhood experience. She replied, matter of
fact, "You told [us] to go away. [We] did."

These days, I sometimes catch myself wishing that the misty column would
come back some early morning in the pre-dawn hours and visit me again.
Honest! I'm all better now! I won't take a swing at you! Not this time! But
then it would be just like me to wake up in yet another semi-conscious
stupor and take a swing at that damn alien. No fracking way I'm goina allow
myself to be probed!

Steven Vincent Johnson

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