In reply to  Horace Heffner's message of Wed, 7 Oct 2009 15:45:42 -0800:
>> ..perhaps not all that difficult. Consider the situation where  
>> Hydrino molecules
>> condense into a liquid then freeze into a solid. That solid would  
>> have very
>> close crystal planes.
>Just a few minor problems that might have to be dealt with there:
>(1) A source of enough hydrinos has to be produced such that they can  
>be accumulated in pure form.
>(2) The hydrinos have to actually exist, and have a half life long  
>enough to condense.

Mills claims to have already achieved both, though this has not been replicated

>(3) Some kind of vessel has to be able to hold the hydrinos without  
>having them diffuse though it like a gas..

May not be a problem at the temperatures at which they freeze, or at least for a
while. Particularly if they tend to clump together so that the aggregate is
larger than normal atomic spacing (see below).

>(4) To use these hydrinos in the context this problem was posed you  
>then have to be able to make Casimir cavities or plates separated  
>sufficiently that the resulting space is useful in creating more  
>hydrinos, and yet the spacing is large enough to accomodate the  
>hydrino candidates.

You would never be able to get a whole hydrogen atom as such into such a
lattice, however you could get individual protons and electrons into it. Whether
or not that would be useful I don't know.

>(5) The hydrinos have to bond to multiple other hydrinos sufficiently  
>well to form a solid that won't come apart when close to another  
>surface made of the same stuff.

Crystals don't normally come apart, because they are bound by internal
attractive forces. I suspect that magnetic forces can bind Hydrino molecules.

My reasoning goes like this. 

There is a small energy difference between ortho and para Hydrogen due to the
magnetic moments of the nuclei. This internuclear magnetic force would rapidly
get stronger as Hydrino molecules get smaller, due to the third power increase
of magnetic forces with distance (if I correctly recall your previous posts on
that topic). This can then give rise to a top-and-tail magnetic bond between

Moreover, the Casimir force itself will also hold the crystal lattice together.
I have a vague recollection of having once calculated that the magnitude of the
Casimir force at normal lattice spacing of iron was about the same magnitude as
the tensile strength of steel, however I may have gotten that wrong.

Robin van Spaandonk

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