>From Mark:


>               ... and one can start by simply scanning all the
> comment sections of websites where a CF story ran, and summarize
> each skeptic's question or statement, and counter it with the facts.  Keep
> it short and sweet, with links to references... the list of Rossi's 'clues'
> was put together in a matter of a week... perhaps 10 days.  Wouldn't take
> long to do something similar, and I think I've got the perfect title:
>      Cold Fusion or Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
>           Fact vs Fiction -- Reality vs Perception

Very good idea: "Keep it short and sweet, with links to references."

One of my biggest posting behavior faults is the fact that I
occasionally don't know when to shut up. The objective can get lost in
a plethora of details - particularly if one feels obliged to correct
every innuendo & false statement - all in a single post. That's what
the links are for - for those who want to follow-up with the details.

...and be relentless. Jed can be pretty good at that.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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