I think a satisfying view of time is that the universe consists of "Nothing
But Motion", the physics of Dewey B. Larson's "Reciprocal System" -- that is
the primary constituent of the universe is a unit of motion which is
space/time and it can support 3 dimensions of motion, so space and time are
just aspects of motion and both are 3D.

This model explains many things that conventional physics has no clue about
and enables calculation of  fundamental values from basic premises alone,
such as planck's constant, lifetime of the neutron, melting points of
elements etc.
Only three values are needed to perform all calculations:  c, the Rydberg
frequency, and Avagadro's number.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mauro Lacy [mailto:ma...@lacy.com.ar]
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2011 12:48 PM

...Space and time are probably both sides of the same coin: movement. Time
can be understood as movement, or better said, rate of movement. Space
in turn can be understood as movement: very specific forms of movement
produce or develop space in physical terms. They lay out space, so to speak.


This profound article is the only paper I know of that explains what a
magnetic field really is, and also contains a remarkable new look at
dimensional analysis:

The Dimensions of Motion

Other Reciprocal System websites:

Early RS website
RS official website
Dr. Bruce Peret's website

A new periodic chart:


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