Rizzi sez:


> Jed Rothwell, it’s over.


Back in the late 60s I recall an infamous week which I experienced back when I 
was still a freshman in high school. It happened during geometry class. I 
noticed that several students had suddenly started secretly brining in portable 
pocket radios with ear plugs. After asking around I eventually learned they 
were listening to a crucial baseball ball game, something like the World 
Series, or something like that. I dunno. I wasn't keeping track of baseball 
events all that much. All I knew was that it must have been a really big ball 
game, and some of the students wanted to listen in to actual play-by-play 
scenes. I thought it was a little rude of them, but what can I say. I was a 
nerd, and no one had ever picked me to play ball with them. In any case I 
concluded that if they were going to bring in pocket radios in order to 
secretly listen on a baseball game, in the middle of geometry class, I might as 
well be able to do the same. However, in my case, I wasn't interested in 
listening to baseball games. I was far more interested in listening to an 
Apollo launch. A launch was supposed to happen that morning. I remember 
bringing in my own pocket radio. I popped in my ear bud and promptly sat back 
to listen to launch events while appearing as if I was listening to the teacher 
giving geometry lessons. I did notice that there didn’t seem to be any more 
pocket radios in the class that morning. While listening in I recall a student 
in front of me turning around and looking at me, and my pocket radio. He seemed 
to have a rather tired, almost patronizing look on his face as he told me, 
"Steve, the ball game is over." I don't think he liked the answer I gave him.


With appropriate apologies to all baseball fans.



Steven Vincent Johnson



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