Peter wrote:

"Scientific experiments must be documented for eternity, not for a single
This is something that Rossi seemingly not understands."


I can't believe these kinds of statements are still made!

What Peter doesn't understand, and has been mentioned by numerous people,
numerous times on this forum, is that Rossi is NOT INTERESTED in doing a
"scientific experiment".   What part of "NOT INTERESTED" don't you


So much wasted bandwidth. unfortunately, the signal to noise ratio has
plummeted on Vortex, with people pointing out the obvious, or same thing,
over and over.


For all the NEWCOMERS (meaning those who only started posting to Vortex-l in
the last 9 months).

Vortex has been around a looooooooooooooooong time, with many of the same
contributors.  Try asking yourself "Why?".

In fact, this year has seen the passing of at least two of the ol'Timers...
they will be missed.  

If you don't know about the 'dime box saloon', then you have no idea why
this forum has lasted so long and what the 'regulars' like about it.


What is MOST VALUED here is rational discussion (NOT REPETITION), and
especially if it includes references and calculations. or keeping the rest
of us informed about the latest technical/scientific developments that might
interest the group. 


Let's try to keep the speculative and repetitive postings to a minimum, ok?


Happy Thanksgiving to those living in the USA.

To the rest of the world, Happy 'In-The-Moment'!




From: Peter Heckert [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 11:11 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Kullander Nov. 23 lecture slides (mostly in Swedish)



Scientific experiments must be documented for eternity, not for a single
This is something that Rossi seemingly not understands.


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