Mary stated,
  "There is nothing in any discipline I know about suggesting that either of
those tasks are doable."
Your argument was OK up to this point because you qualified it with "[that]
I know about...".  
I have absolutely no problem with that statement.

Then your subjective bias came in and stated:
  "There is NO evidence anyone has EVER done or could do it."  [I've
capitalized your sloppy wording]

You are way too sloppy/liberal with your wording, and no good scientist nor
engineer makes a habit of using those kinds of statements.  How the hell do
you know everything that has been tried? Have you studied all of the claims
out there regarding those kinds of devices?  I bet you haven't even looked
into 1/100 of them to any sufficient detail, and I mean visiting the person
making the claims and not reading about someone else's experience with the

That statement of yours is PURELY rooted in a BELIEF that science has
discovered all the fundamental laws with nothing really new out there to
discover! I hate to burst your bubble, but that is an indefensible

Let me give you an education about the laws you so faithfully believe are
inviolate and all-encompassing...
The 'law' of Conservation of Energy (COE) REQUIRES that you can IDENTIFY and
MEASURE all forms of energy in a system.  That is a key ASSUMPTION of COE.
Since you CANNOT prove that some additional form of energy doesn't exist,
you CANNOT rule out the possibility that the law could APPEAR to be violated
by an unidentified form of energy; science would then find a way to IDENTIFY
and MEASURE the new form of energy, and the COE would seem to be back to its
good ol inviolate status (yeah, right).  This is not a personal opinion; it
is a fundamental aspect of the COE.

We now have strong, repeatable evidence of the existence of the zero point
field.  I have personally met with and discussed the matter with one of the
mathematicians who has done much of the fundamental math in this area, and
who came up with a derivation for f=ma (if you do not understand the
significance of that statement, then this is going to be meaningless to
you).  He agreed that he has not yet (theoretically) found a way to convert
zero-point energy to one of the common forms of energy known to modern
PROHIBIT SUCH A CONVERSION.  Now, unlike your sloppy phrasing, that is the
CAREFUL and PRECISE wording that one sees commonly from someone who is not
in love with the theoretical side of science.  I've been around scientists
and engineers all of my post-graduate and professional career (30 yrs), and
I have come to some conclusions about how carefully a person phrases their
statements (especially when talking tech), and just how good a scientist or
engineer they are.

Bottom Line:  You cannot rule out other forms of energy, and thus, APPARENT
violations of the COE.  Thus, you cannot use violations of COE to invalidate
a device, a priori.

You then state:
   "Free energy generation from magnetic motors is incompatible with the
laws of thermodynamics."

If you do not now understand why that statement of yours is WRONG, then I'm
just wasting my time trying to raise your awareness... you can continue
living in that box, or you can choose to step outside every now and then and
commit heresy... nothing to be afraid of... it doesn't hurt... and you can
always go back inside if it gets too scary.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2011 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Kullander Nov. 23 lecture slides (mostly in Swedish)

On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 3:24 PM, Mark Iverson-ZeroPoint
<> wrote:
> Mary wrote:
> “If I call you to come see I can fly and I sit there and flap my arms, and
I do this or different people do this a hundred times, are you going to come
the hundredth and first?   The example isn't quite so silly as it seems if
you remember the claims for transcendental meditation and flight.”
> Mary, this is such a pathetic analogy as to be laughable… in your
arm-flapping example you’re dealing with macroscopic elements and classical
physics.   It is just laughable to compare that with what could be happening
in cold fusion, or magnet motors or water as a fuel, where, certainly in the
CF case we are likely dealing with quantum mechanical interactions, and this
could also be involved in the latter cases.

I disagree.  Let's leave cold fusion out.  As far as running a car on water
and making a magnet-based device which yields "free energy", those do not
deal with any known interactions, quantum mechanical or otherwise.  They are
pure fantasy or fraud.  There is nothing in any discipline I know about
suggesting that either of those tasks are doable.  There is no evidence
anyone has ever done or could do it.
There is no reason whatever to believe it any more than that I could have
discovered how to fly by flapping my arms.  Free energy generation from
magnetic motors is incompatible with the laws of thermodynamics.

Could there ever be a compelling reason to consider those two claims?
 Sure.  But it would have to be extraordinarily clear and compelling.
What we know about nature and how things work make both claims exceedingly
unlikely.  And it doesn't help that most are made by known scammers, conmen,
and convicted criminals.

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