No one is suggesting we ignore it!


And who's to say that one of those magnet motors or water cars doesn't do
what is claimed?


This forum is primarily interested in discussing the facts and evidence,
preferably with supporting references and calculations, in order to
establish the level of credibility of the claims.  It is SELDOM a black or
white situation. just because past claims of magnet motors and water cars
have been shown to be mistaken or fraudulent, doesn't mean that ALL such
claims can be concluded to be the same.  IF you think that, then you have no
idea how science operates.  This forum prefers to discuss the salient points
rationally and everyone can come their OWN conclusions. we don't need you or
JC or anyone else to point out the obvious in an attempt to save us from a




From: Mary Yugo [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Kullander Nov. 23 lecture slides (mostly in Swedish)



I can't agree with ignoring other bad science and technology fraud.  The
average person in the street won't know that "water cars" (adding on board
generation of hydrogen to the air-fuel mix)  don't work and they are sending
scammers tons of money-- the exact amount isn't clear.   Several
prosecutions for fraud have happened due to "water car" claims but news ones
keep sprouting up all the time.  There are not enough investigators and the
crimes are comparatively not severe enough so many are never prosecuted.  

This may not be a suitable place to discuss those frauds but they certainly
need to be discussed somewhere!


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