Am 03.12.2011 00:20, schrieb Jed Rothwell:
Peter Heckert < <>> wrote:

    Everybody knows that I believe there was definitive excess energy
    measured in the Essen Kullander demo and in other demos, because
    the water flow was too high to been heated to 100°.
    Also everybody knows that I suspect Rossi doing tricks with input
    energy and with a vacuum at the output hose.

This raises an interesting question that I do not believe you have addressed:

If Rossi made real heat during the E&K demo, why do you suppose he made fake heat in subsequent demos?
Oh lord, please dont let me be misunderstood....

When I had analyzed the PDF document, that Kullander & Essen wrote I was ready to believe in Rossis claims. Even more so when Rossi announced a closed circuit mass calorimetry test done at university of Uppsala at november.

This all didnt happen, and also the oct 6 demo and the 1 MW demo was a faint shadow of this what was initially announced.

This is why I stopped believing and now I think, that Rossi also did tricks for the Kullander & Essen demo. This means, I am aware, given the water flow, there must be more energy than was measured at the input. I dont believe anymore that this energy was made by LENR, but I think, there are tricks possible to give a false impression about the energy generation : Wireless switch to activate a heater in unwatched moments and a vacuum to suck out the water and steam and reduce the energy needs for boiling.

I believe Rossi does tricks and he cares not to overdo it. If he does too much tricks it will be discovered. So he does a little bit of scam, just enough to convince unbiased observers, but not enough to convince a honest but critical observer.

This is why all his demos are so inconclusive. He is shy to show real proven energy balances because then his scams can been detected and revealed.

best regards,

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