On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 5:38 PM, Peter Heckert <peter.heck...@arcor.de>wrote:

> This is why I stopped believing and now I think, that Rossi also did
> tricks for the Kullander & Essen demo.
> This means, I am aware, given the water flow, there must be more energy
> than was measured at the input.
> I dont believe anymore that this energy was made by LENR, but I think,
> there are tricks possible to give a false impression about the energy
> generation : Wireless switch to activate a heater in unwatched moments and
> a vacuum to suck out the water and steam and reduce the energy needs for
> boiling.

In that demo, another 300W was needed to reach boiling. And notably, in
that experiment, the power input was not monitored, although K&E carefully
monitored the flow. (Interestingly, in the January demo, the power was
monitored, but the flow rate wasn't. Rossi is no beginner at this business.)

So, in the K&E demo, simply turning up the input power when the observers
were distracted would have done it. We know Rossi's not above adjusting the
power when no one is looking from the Lewan video. But even without a
deceptive input power, 300 W for the duration of that experiment certainly
does not exclude chemical reactions.

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