Whatever.  Defkalion and Rossi themselves said they would have independent 
verification by the end of March.
On Feb 29, 2012, at 11:18 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

> You are in such a hurry. I will wait until Oct30th. I chose this date last 
> year, for a 3rd party confirmation of a working product, because it is close 
> to AR`s 1MW test. I will apply the same date to DGT. 
> 2012/3/1 Jarold McWilliams <oldja...@hotmail.com>
> DGT may not owe us anything, but I don't owe them anything either.  Defkalion 
> has shown us nothing, and Rossi just had some demos that he was in complete 
> control of.  I don't owe them any patience, though I will still wait until 
> March 31.  If nothing happens by then, there is no reason for me to pay any 
> more attention to this.  Maybe it's just me, but if I was in Defkalion's 
> position, I'd get independent verification as soon as possible.  They should 
> get plenty of money through awards and licenses if they sell the product to a 
> large company.  Everyday, the world is wasting billions of dollars and 
> millions of people are dying unnecessarily.  Just the discovery of an LENR 
> device that produces useful energy output would end this waste immediately.  
> Does it really make a difference if you are making a billion dollars in a 
> world where basically everything is free?  I would be happy enough knowing I 
> helped every single person on the planet, and I wouldn't care much about the 
> money.  I'm not big into conspiracy theories.  Oil companies would probably 
> just switch to something dealing with LENR and make more money than before.  
> If you're a scientist, it would create tons of good paying jobs, and you are 
> at the forefront in an exciting new era of civilization.  
> On Feb 29, 2012, at 9:46 PM, Eric Walker wrote:
>> Hi Guenter -- your reply-to address is your own email address.
>> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Guenter Wildgruber <gwildgru...@ymail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> DGT did not make a substantial error up to now.
>> Btw, my own projects often have delays and complications and modifications. 
>> That's the way it is.
>> In a situation like DGK or Rossi You have to fight against a headwind of 
>> 99%, and the rest is a substantial lot of idiots, who cannot tell the 
>> difference between a hole and a substantial spot.
>> I agree with Defkalion that they are not obligated to continue to publicly 
>> discuss their progress.  But from a PR perspective I think it's a gauche 
>> move to close their forum in this way.  They've given skeptics additional 
>> credibility in calling the two main high-profile commercial LENR initiatives 
>> scams.  Perhaps this will not affect Defkalion's own business plan since 
>> they're self-funded, but it could have ramifications for others who are 
>> interested in exploring the topic.
>> It might have been preferable for Defkalion not to attempt to engage the 
>> public at all and to stay in stealth mode as long as possible.  I can 
>> understand their learning about PR as they go.  But with opinions so set 
>> against LENR in some mainstream scientific circles, here's to hoping that 
>> other initiatives will steer a steadier course in how they communicate to 
>> the public what they're doing.
>> Eric
> -- 
> Daniel Rocha - RJ
> danieldi...@gmail.com

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