At 04:28 PM 5/25/2012, David Roberson wrote:
The scenario that they mention is beyond frightening and anyone who remained in the vicinity of that experiment should be given a metal for bravery.

I can imagine the description of damage being used as part of the plot to a wild science fiction movie. What a shame that the occurrence was not better documented!

Are you sure this was not part of an April fools joke?

Funny Dave should ask that. It was my first hit when the Nanospire story first broke.

But I'd expect, by now, someone would have been observed giggling and running away from the window, as with Mr. Mischief in the Mr. series of children's books. LeClair is real, has talked with real people (such as Krivit and Storms).

And that's about how far it's gone, as to anything verifiable.

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