
I think we are going to find strings and micro black hole balls of dark
matter/energy (which is really just entropy/vacuum energy) triggering those
electromagnetic discharges in the clouds.  They have also detected
positrons during lightning discharges, which is a signature of dark
matter/energy collisions and beta plus decay.

I sent the professors an email this morning, I am looking to fund flying an
RV/Drone into the dark band of a double rainbow (which I believe is a
toroid) to check for thermodynamic, electromagnetic and gravitational
disturbances.  I think we will find a very energetic animal hiding within
that closed string we call a double rainbow which mostly reserve themselves
for some of the most sever thermodynamic upsets in nature such as the
Joplin, MO tornadic episode and others.

If you look closely, I think you will see condensation coming off the
rainbow as it extracts entropy from the surrounding gas and cools the
atmosphere.  Many of them also have lightning coming off them if you search
for it on Youtube or look at the videos on my blog.


Humans have a tendency to see what they believe to be true.


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think understanding this will aid in the explanation of NiH LENR.

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