Something else from the Jasons Wikipedia

In 2002, DARPA decided to cut its ties with JASON. DARPA had not only been
one of JASON's primary sponsors, it was also the channel through which
JASON received funding from other sponsors. DARPA's decision came after
JASON's refusal to allow DARPA to select three new JASON members. Since
JASON's inception, new members have always been selected by its existing
members. After much negotiation and letter-writing—including a letter by
 Rush Holt <,_Jr.> of New Jersey
[3] <>—funding
was subsequently secured from an office higher in the defense hierarchy,
the office of the Director, Defense Research &
name changed to Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research & Engineering)
(ASD (R&E)) in 2011.[4]

On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 6:34 PM, James Bowery <> wrote:

> Ironically:
> *JASON* is an independent group of scientists which advises the United
> States 
> government<>
>  on
> matters of science and technology. *The group was first created as a way
> to get a younger generation of scientists*—that is, not the older Los
> Alamos <> and
> MIT Radiation Laboratory<> 
> alumni—involved
> in advising the government. It was established in 1960 and has somewhere
> between 30 and 60 members.
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Jed Rothwell <>wrote:
>>  I get the impression the Jasons are a bunch of washed up old farts who
>> are opposed to everything that wasn't discovered before they turned 30

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