James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is a similar unenlightened self-interest at work in preventing the
> proper development and deployment of LENR.  It is "intelligent" in that
> sense and it has no incentive to become "enlightened" about its
> self-interest.
> There are therefore two questions in modeling this "intelligence":
> 1) What is the actual authority structure?
> 2) What is the actual incentive structure?

The only people standing in the way of cold fusion today are a small number
of academic scientists, at places like MIT, the DoE, Nature magazine and
the Jasons. Unfortunately, they have a great deal of influence. They are
opposed to it on theoretical grounds, and because they can't imagine they
might be mistaken, so they are not cautious. (That thought never crosses
their minds.) Not because they are invested in oil.

There is also opposition from many ordinary people and many stupid people
at places like Wikipedia, for the reasons explained by Francis Bacon:

"The human understanding, when any preposition has been once laid down,
(either from general admission and belief, or from the pleasure it
affords,) forces every thing else to add fresh support and confirmation;
and although more cogent and abundant instances may exist to the contrary,
yet either does not observe or despises them, or gets rid of and rejects
them by some distinction, with violent and injurious prejudice, rather than
sacrifice the authority of its first conclusions."

The rest of the world has no idea that cold fusion exists. Not the
slightest idea. I have talked to enough government officials and big name
scientists to ascertain that, and so have people such as Rob Duncan.
Leaders and decision makers are not opposed to it. They do not have the
slightest inkling that it exists. Yes, thousands of people have read papers
at LENR-CANR.org, but there are billions of people on the Internet. Many of
the people who read papers keep their knowledge to themselves, because
there is widespread contempt and ridicule.

If it becomes generally known that cold fusion is real, then I am sure
there will be TREMENDOUS opposition from big oil, big coal, big wind and so
on. Unbelievable opposition. You should see how they attack one-another!
However, this opposition will avail them nothing. Nothing can stand in the
way of a Niagara Falls flow of money.

- Jed

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