The best I can theorize, as I have shown on my blog is that there is dark
matter(collapsed hydrogen) stringing around the equatorial jet streams
(originating from the solar wind) and overhead in the jet streams,
triggering low pressure "weather" events and decaying all of the time and
releasing gravitational radiation to the Earth.  Somehow the pulsed
microwaves are "energizing" this dark/vacuum, possibly causing it to kink
up and break off (through string interactions) and these smaller loops or
branched strings (low pressure troughs) of vacuum energy are then
accelerating into the Earth around the towers, triggering pressure/seismic
events as well as an increase in mesovortex events and even sinkholes
around the towers as my statistics are showing.  If this is happening it
would also possibly trigger an increase in weakly ionizing background
radiation in the local surroundings around the towers which is ionizing the
dissolved oxygen in the waterways around the towers triggering hypoxia and
oxidative stress.

That is the only way I can tie it all together.  This is only theory, but I
have good statistics on an increase in hypoxia, algae blooms/red tide
around the radar towers in Florida over two years with strong indications
in other States.

I make my income from engineering, I am doing my research for fun so I am
not looking for grant money, you guys have been a great help in trying to
understand what is happening at the atomic/subatomic level


On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 9:12 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> *From:* ChemE Stewart
> I wonder if it is a combination of both, microwaves interacting with the
> atmosphere/water vapor and or a discharge into the Earth interacting with
> the underground water.
> This is possible... and worth pursuing, especially if grant money is
> available... but microwaves would not penetrate very far into the earth, and
> shale is deep. There are three different ecosystems which need to be
> analyzed.
> Surprised you did not mention dark matter, and the Mills identification of
> this species with fractional hydrogen, which he claims is produced in the
> solar corona. It is carried to earth in the solar wind.
> If RF radiation from Doppler radar is involved somehow, and it seems to be
> more than coincidental, based on limited data - then RF could interact with
> the atmosphere to nucleate more of the dark-matter arriving from the solar
> corona into rain, which then percolates with water down to the shale layer.
> This could alter the normal random distribution of f/H.
> This process would take several years - but there does seem to be several
> years of lag time.
> Have you compared areas with 1) Radar and no shale deposits against 2)
> areas with both shale and radar and areas with 3) shale only ?
> If there was enough data to compare all three, you might make a
> statistical case.
> Of course, that could require a staff of researchers to put this kind of
> data together.

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