From: ChemE Stewart 


I wonder if it is a combination of both, microwaves interacting with the
atmosphere/water vapor and or a discharge into the Earth interacting with
the underground water.



This is possible. and worth pursuing, especially if grant money is
available. but microwaves would not penetrate very far into the earth, and
shale is deep. There are three different ecosystems which need to be


Surprised you did not mention dark matter, and the Mills identification of
this species with fractional hydrogen, which he claims is produced in the
solar corona. It is carried to earth in the solar wind.


If RF radiation from Doppler radar is involved somehow, and it seems to be
more than coincidental, based on limited data - then RF could interact with
the atmosphere to nucleate more of the dark-matter arriving from the solar
corona into rain, which then percolates with water down to the shale layer.
This could alter the normal random distribution of f/H.


This process would take several years - but there does seem to be several
years of lag time.


Have you compared areas with 1) Radar and no shale deposits against 2) areas
with both shale and radar and areas with 3) shale only ?


If there was enough data to compare all three, you might make a statistical


Of course, that could require a staff of researchers to put this kind of
data together.





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