Aha. With those states, you have to think that fracking is involved to some
extent- so the only real question is if the fracking is exacerbated by the


ROTFL. I see that the "Does not seem to be a direct link" comment comes from
renowned seismic expert.. cough, cough. one Barbara Schneider, Certified
Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, and Feng Shui Consultant, and a regular
contributor to San Jose Psychic Examiner. 


. doubt if we should be trusting Babs' insight on this issue, Feng Shui



From: ChemE Stewart 


Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas


The area of North Texas, Oklahoma, So. Kansas and Western Arkansas has had
>3000 seismic events which jumped in 2009


Fracking has been going on for years and there does not seem to be a direct
link but it may have some impact





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